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cWo News & Updates -- cWo News & Updates

The Start of Somethin New

Welcome to cWo! Also known as Celebrity World Online. Much like a high school e-fed only you've graduated or might still be in high school (e.g.the Olsen Twins). Live it up, do what you want. Your livin the life with the celebrity of your choice. Make friends/girlfriends/marriages, whatever you wanna do is all good. Everyone starts out as a celebrity trying to make it big. Build up your rep as a strong performer in whatever career your in.

Get the chance to be offered movie deals (if your an actor) or be asked to put on a concert or record another album (if your a pop/rap artist). Or if a director decides he thinks you have what it takes to be an actor during your singing career he may recruit you and vice versa.

How do I get apporached to do an album or a movie? Head Agent Roger Ebert will be in charge of movie deals and Jessica Shore will be the Head Agent in Record Deals. With the activity and progress you show in cWo increases your chances of being reached by either one. Each elite quality RP helps you get noticed in cWo.