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Cherry x Bomb

Hi my name is Jessie...I just started this page, so I swear there is more to come!! But for now, this will have to do. Her name: Jessicka You can call her: Jessie, Jess, Bong, Cherry, Ms. Plum, I'll answer to pretty much anything She has graced us with her presence for: 15 years She falls under the sign of: Sagittarius/Capricorn. Born on the cusp. She is a: junior in high school She is crazy in love with: Ryan Her favorite TV shows are: X-Men Evolution, X-men (the original series), All My Children (mom got me hooked!), Friends, CSI, Law and Order, Sex and the City, The Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy Her favorite movies include: The Boondock Saints, Lord of the Rings, X-men, X2, Jackass, Empire Records, Queen of the Damned, and many more Her favorite authors include: JK Rowling, Anne Rice, Amelia Atwater-Rhodes books, Louise Rennison, JRR Tolkein, many more She leaves you for now with these famous words: "You're hanging with us now, pal. Dignity's got nothing to do with it." -Sid, Ice Age!~"Why don't you make like a tree and get the fuck out of here!" -Doc, The Boondock Saints

My favorite things to do online

My Favorite Web Sites (my name thinger is Marie the Rogue)
TeenOpenDiary free diary service
Fun Quizzes
Even better Quizzes (WARNING: Explicit pictures)
