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hockey is the best! (my home page)

my best friends!

my favorite hockey teams! and their players!

Pascal Dupuis
Todd Bertuzzi
i like 'em all!

hey ya'll! wuts new wich you? im a Silver Huskie and my AA is... Mrs.Bailey! hockey is the best sport and #19 is the best number! My Rockets team got 7th place in the tourney! The coolest and funnest show is Punk'd! for more than 1 reason! cuz Ashotn Kutcher is SOO hott! i got the coolest pants...there black and white! and i got 2 other pants and 3 shirts!! im SO happy! Pirets of the Carribeian is the best movie! my other sn is Cocopebbles005 and hockeyhun1959 if you didnt know! all the little kids on commericals are SO cool! (and cute)! well i gotta go *peace* -catie- killed Micky!:'( u burned him!>:o i hope we do better than 7th in our next tourney!
