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*¤*Blue crayons*¤*

*¤*Blue Crayons*¤*
hey sup were under ALOT of contrustion, so only some thigns will be up, so don't get angery if a link dont work i'm trying my hard-ist to get everything working. My school work is a big prob I'm failing ALOT! umm.. . . . . . . . . . . .. We do actully have alot working not a huge amout by lots!
other email
links ~*~ME~*~(¤Jessie¤) Contests Music
Requests-Just send me a email!
Dolls ~*~StARS~*~ Html Help Layouts page 1 Layouts page 2(only backgrounds for now sorrie) Sum 41 stuff Jokes Quiz#1(Last night) Quiz#2(Is your mind clean?) Guessbookie
*¤*If you need any help with your site just email me. Also I would love if you could check out my new quizes and jokes!*¤*