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~Bekah's Page~
Hey Everyone!! I haven't updated stuff in forever! Maybe this summer I will, who knows. Anywho, I hope you enjoy my site!

I'm starting my second senior year here at MU in the fall. It's been a crazy time but I'm loving every second of it. More memories to come and hopefully even more if I get into Grad School or when I figure out what I want to do with the rest of my life...hahaha. Make sure to check out my Mansfield Page to see my favrorite pics from the past three years!

I'll let you know when I get new pics up and all that fun stuff...

Don't forget to sign my guestbook!! =D

I'm ready to fly,
I'm ready to soar
I'm ready to leave this world behind.
I'm ready to open up the door
I'm ready to fly,
I'm ready to spread my wings across the sky
I think it's time
I'm ready to go
I'm ready to fly.

You're home now've left us to remember the amazing person that you were...your pain is gone and you are up there quilting...I know it! Rest forever in the sweetest peace...
God's sweetest Angel is home...

Loretta E. Reese

*Me & Loretta*

...and you say, why, why, why?
does it go this way
and why, why, why?
and all i can say is...
somewhere down the road
there'll be answers to the questions
somewhere down the road
though we cannot see it now
and somewhere down the road
you will find mighty arms reaching for you
and they will hold the answers
at the end of the road...

Dream Big
by Ryan Shupe and the Rubberband

when you cry be sure to dry your eyes
cause better days are sure to come
and when you smile be sure to smile wide
and don't let them know that they have won
and when you walk, walk with pride
and don't show the hurt inside
because the pain will soon be gone

and when you dream, dream big
as big as the ocean blue
cause when you dream it might come true
so when you dream, dream big

and when you laugh be sure to laugh out loud
cause it will carry all your cares away
and when you see, see the beauty
all around and in yourself, it will help you feel okay
and when you pray, pray for strength
to help you carry on when the troubles come your way

and when you dream, dream big
as big as the ocean blue
cause when you dream it might come true
so when you dream, dream big

and when you laugh be sure to laugh out loud
cause it will carry all your cares away
and when you see, see the beauty
all around and in yourself, and it will help you feel okay
and when you pray, pray for strength
to help you carry on when the troubles come your way

and when you dream, dream big
as big as the ocean blue
cause when you dream it might come true
so when you dream, dream big

"No matter what matter what ever you do...I would never think badly of you my BooGirl. Let alone what others may could I accept what anyone else says about you would change my unconditional love for you?"

"I love you like my daughter precious girl and I will for all of my life..."


~All About Me~
~Mansfield University~
~My Friends~
~All I Need...~
~My Little Cuties~
~Friends Quotes~
~Love Quotes~
~I've Learned~
~Inspirational Quotes~
Coming Soon!
~My Family~
~Favorite Verses~
~Camp Orchard Hill~

Meet my Virtual Pet!

adopt your own virtual pet!

~*~Some people come into our lives and quickly go. Some people move our souls to dance. They awaken us to new understanding with the passing whisper of their wisdom. Some people make the sky more beautiful to gaze upon. They stay in our lives for a while and leave footprints on our hearts. After they've gone we are never, ever the same again.~*~

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Website Updated on: May 24, 2006

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