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Beth's Life

Hey Everyone! Whats^?¿?¿ NMH bored and sittin' here. So, I guess a lil bout me: I'm 14 years old, I have brown hair and blue eyes. I'm 5 ft tall. I have the most wonderful boyfriend in the world, I love him to death. He's sweet, and loving, cute and funny. I am a freshman at LC-M (Finally) lmao! My favorite song is What's Love by Ashanti, Fat Joe, n' JaRule. My favorite movie is Catch Me If You Can! I love my friends to death! All my shoutoutz are in my buddy profile (link below) On the side my name is Gerta Rowlanda (LMAO Kevin, n' Dakota) I LOVE to dance I have taken dance for almost 10 years. And I am in the Band. Play pretty solo Lanie Beth (LMAO) I guess thats all for now. But, if you wanna know more then go to my sub-pro. ~iM oUt~ REMEMBER! Beth Loves You! ~i LoVe DyLaN~

Some of the Most Important Things In My Life:

My Favorite Web Sites

Angelfire - Free Home Pages
My Buddy Profile