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This Is Really About Family & Friends

~Favorite Hockey Teams~ (I had to put SOMETHING about hockey on here!! haha)

Hellooooo!!!! Well since this page is for close friends and family, I don't have much to say. Just kidding!!! haha. Don't worry about how far down the list you are, there's a lotta people, but you know I love you! So I guess I'll start my Shout Outz~~ Mommy ~ I love you more than words can express. You don't know how much you mean to me. You've given me so much & I thank you for that and for always being there for me when I need someone to talk to me! Love you! Dad ~ Thanks so much for everything that you have done for me! I really enjoy spending time with you deer hunting! It's so wonderful! I love you so much & I'll always be your little hunting buddy! Amanda ~ "I'm your sister!" haha. I know I don't show it too often, but I really do love you, I have to, you're my sister! Well actually I don't have to, I just do cuz you're awesome! Thanks for all the advise and good times! Love you! Stacy ~ Thanks for all the advise you've givin me and for being there for me. I really appreciate it! Love ya! Uncle David ~ Thank you so much for everything that you've done for me.. kidna like saving my life and stuff like that. I love you so much & I'm so happy we know eachother! Laura ~ My obsession encouragement. Haha it's only cuz you are too!! Thanks for everything like taking me to games and letting me get some community service hours. I'm honored that I know you cuz you're such a fun person! Love ya lots! Rick ~ The gayest strait man I know. haha. Yea I know your little secreat Mr. Tiny Tee. hehe. No, but you're a really awesome person. You're so funny and fun to be around! I'm so happy that I know you! Meggie ~ My favorite cuz!! Even though you do pick on me and stuff, I still love ya! You're a really great person and yea. Love you lots! Jessie ~ 8 years! That, my friend, is a long time! We've had way too many good times to count! You've been there with me through EVERYTHING! I love you just like a sister! Thank you SO much for everything, all the advise and being there for me! I LOVE YA! Raissa ~ You're one of the sweetest, most loving people that I know and I'm so happy that I do know you! You have Jesus shining through you and I see it every day! I love you much!

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