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This is What You Do...When You Don't Have Any Friends

Well I don't really know what to say about myself.
I got really bored one morning and was sick of having to copy and paste my pictures into emails's just a whole lot easier to see if I'm as technologically advanced as I HOPE I am and just...put them on a website! (BIG SMILE)...

SO let's see how I do shall we?
Oh and by the links to all those fantastic bands?
Yeah, they're just unreal bands but I don't feel like going through all the trouble of actually LOOKING for the specific website...I'll save that task for another day of boredom (another BIG SMILE).
So if you're as lazy as I am, just go to and put them in the search engine, alright then. Love, Peace and Chicken Grease!

NOW Time for some pictures...which was the main reason I made this site!

My Favorite Web Sites

The Used
The Early November
Further Seems Forever
Dashboard Confessional
Something Corporate
Amazing Transparent Man
Radically Strapped
