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Ademagrl's house

Hey Welcome to my World...
This is the entrance to my site, I hope you enjoy..
You will see more and more about me, the more you read..
I hope you take the time to read every thing I have wrote or most of it that is,
Cause I sure didn't do all this for my health...
I have put alot of time in to this site and don't be afraid to tell me what you think..
I had fun making this I hope you have fun reading it...

By the way my name is Christina, and if you don't know me
by now you will know more about me soon... Just by clicking below!

About Me

Click below to find one of my poems that I published..
Just look under the title of the poem which is: "Let Me Be"..
read it you might enjoy it.. I know cause I wrote it!!

Want to read more of my poem's? Click below and read a few recent
poem's that I have written in the past few days... ENJOY!!!

More of My Poem's

Below is my e-mail address as you could possibly tell...
But its not just there to be looked at, don't be afraid to use it...
I would love to hear from you, so e-mail away!!!!!!!
