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Well, let's get right down to it, shall we?

My name is Zephyr. I am, for lack of a better word, a creator. I write, a LOT. I have about 3 or 4 stories going at the same time, and none of them are even close to ever being finished.

In lieu of a guestbook, if anyone wishes to let me know how awesome my site is or even let me know that you've even been to the site, then mail me at And to learn more about my employer, Flying Pie Pizzaria, click on the name.

UPDATE!!!!!!!!!!! (03/01/03 12:23 AM MST)

Wow, I thought I'd never get to say that... Well, if anyone is indeed coming to my site, then be pleased to know that a new story is in development, titled "Final Fantasy Legends." If you've played Kingdom Hearts, then you know how the lines are a little fuzzy around the relationships between the Seventh World (Final Fantasy VII) and the Eighth World (Final Fantasy VIII). I am attempting to bridge the gap and make some sense out of it; either that or I'm just bored. If you haven't played Kingdom Hearts yet, then A. You won't get the story, and B. You can't call yourself a well-rounded gamer.

Currently the story is in it's infant phase (what I like to call "bone writing") but should progress nicely as I will be devoting all my creative output to it (and school of course, but that doesn't count).


There is one story, though. It really has no name, but I like to call it Legacy.

***IMPORTANT!!*** If you haven't read Legacy yet, then please do so here before continuing.

***ALSO IMPORTANT!!*** If you've never been to, before, please do so by clicking on my pets on the bottom of the screen or the banner. If you don't, none of the Neopets stories will make any sense.

So Legacy is already on Elfwood, and now you think: so what's the point of a website that's got no story on it? Well, after having real live people read my story and tell me about it in person, I've realized a few things.

1. Hardly anyone gets the story. With all the little references that aren't explained (yet), people have a hard time following along. I hope to remedy that situation.

2. There are side stories and mythologies that go along with this, but I don't have enough space to publish it on the Elfwood servers. So why not use my own webspace to do that.

3. There isn't really a third thing, I just needed a nice number.

Note: Nothing is actually here yet, so be patient.

So now you make a choice. Do you want to go forth into the wild black yonder of Legacy?

Or do you want to venture into a land of six-eared cats and a tree with a really big head, Neopets?



mechanical_man got their NeoPet at http://www.neopets.commechanical_man got their NeoPet at http://www.neopets.commechanical_man got their NeoPet at

Everything not already NeoCopyrighted, or copyright, copyright me, Zephyr

Copyright 2002, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Used With Permission