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  Logo [ Unregistered Tarantula ] , 9289 byte(s).

Fanclub [ Unregistered Tarantula ] , 3358 byte(s).

In 1997 Annika started her solo-career and a young German girl called Annika, also known as Anni or Anni Joe, set up a fanclub for her. For sure Anni hasnŽt done this work alone. Stefan, Sarah (also known as Sari)  and Nicole helped her with that. And also all the fans out there helped to create the clubmagazine.

Well, 4 times in a year a clubmagazine got released in German and English, full with pictures, informations and interviews. Annika was always happy when she received this magazine.

But then there was a time when it got calm around Annika and so we had to stop the fanclub because we had not enough informations to create a clubmagazine.
And now we are very proud to show you this great homepage! We, that means Anni, Sari and Benji, put our whole love in this thing!
If thereŽll be any news about Annika youŽll find it here. If you want to become a member of the fanclub just send us an e-mail. The fanclub is for free! If there are any news about Annika weŽll send you a newsletter.

Most of the reports and interviews that we released into the clubmagazine weŽll put on this homepage. Some of this reports and pictures are taken from magazines like Okej, Expressen, Frieda, Bravo, Aftonbladet, Pop Rocky, Popcorn, Smash Hits and so on. Photos are taken by Annika Ludwig, Sarah Boländer and Fans who sent them to us!

Anyway, enjoy this!