Double trouble, Biscuits and Tarts
A sequel to Trouble at Tea Time

By GoldenSenshi2002

Author's note: Thought it was bad before? It gets worse! ^^ hee..hee..hee...

Eagle Vision: You are truly evil, gs2002!!!
Clef: How could you even think of writing a sequel! And why am I alive! I died in your last fic! Trouble at Tea Time!
gs2002: hee,hee,hee...^^
Wufei: That doesn't sound good....
Umi: Wufei? What are you doing here?
gs2002: It's the power of Fanfiction!
Lafarga: Well, at least she only likes DragonBallZ, Rayearth, Gundam Wind and Cowboy Bebop!
gs2002: I think I'm starting to like Final Fantasy as well!

It was a bright sun shinning day, until Presea got out the karaoke machine that Clef had recieved for his 746th birthday. But had kept locked far away into his closet so it's evil would not see the light of the....
"I can see clearly now, the rain is gone! I can see all opstacles in my way! Gone are the dark clouds that had me blind! It's gonna be a bright, bright, bright, bright sun shinning day!!!!" Presea sang happily.
"Oh! Mokona! Say it isn't soooo!!!?" Clef screamed in agony.
"On the count of 3, run!" Lafarga offered, glancing at Ascott, Clef and Caldina, Ferio and Lantis not far behind.
"1,2,3!" Ferio shouted and they all took off with Sanyun, Geo and Zazu.
"Hey, their trying to run away!" Presea shouted angrilly, "And they didn't even hear my favorite part!"
"Don't worry, we'll get 'em!" Umi, Fuu and Hikaru agreed.
And the chase began. Unforetunetly, Poor Eagle Vision had been chowing on cheese puffs and not paying attention to the plot. So he was captured first. "Sob!" Eagle Vision cried. "I can't move in Caldina's underwear."
Poor, Poor Eagle Vision. "Yeah, like you care! Gs2002!" Eagle shouted in disgust.
"You idiot!" Hikaru shouted back. "Don't make her mad!"
"Thats strange...I can move around just fine in it..." Lafarga mused.
"LAFARGA!!!" Caldina shouted angrilly. "It's bad enough that Eagle Vision wears it, but your my boyfriend! What do you suppose that tells everyone?!"
"That we have matching tastes?" Lafarga suggested.
"I'll kill you later, Lafarga!" Caldina screached and ran even faster.
Umi, Fuu, Hikaru and Presea rushed to catch up with them but soon lost them again. "Where'd those little rascals go!"
"Don't worry you guys! I always keep my possessed penguins handy, they'll sniff 'em out!" Hikaru suggested.
Hikaru rushed into the palace and tugged back a crate that shook wildly and she opened the gate. A few adorable looking penguins(lets!) hopped out of the pen, waiting for orders. "Seek and Destroy." Hikaru said enthusiatically.
The penguins waddled back into the palace, quicker than ..umm...ducks! Hikaru and Umi and Fuu followed and were unable to find the penguins anywhere, "Where'd they go?" Hikaru asked.
It was then they noticed a penguin standing directly under a chandelier and pointing upward, the knights and Presea looked up and saw...ZAZU! Hanging from the ceiling, menacingly. When he hopped down he immediately transformed into....DARTH MAUL! Only shorter...
"Oh, great not this again!" Fuu muttered slapping her forehead.
"Hee..hee..hee, No one shall dare interupt the peace of Darth Zaul!" Zazu said laughing evilly.
Geo, who was hiding nearby with Lantis behind a curtain for one of the REALLY big windows of the palace. "I knew I should have never let him watch that movie.."
Fuu, unafraid of Zazu's childish behavior quickly scored a get up of her own! "I am Obi-Fuu Kenobi!" Fuu shouted and transformed into Fuu, only with Obi-wan Kenobi's outfit and lightsaber.
Meanwhile, on the other side of the room, Clef stood. Only he was posing, trying to look like one of the many figurines on top of the water fountain, //I knew those water heating bills were to good to be true// he thought to himself as he shivered under the frigid ice water.

And yet again, elsewhere Ferio sat happily reading a magazine, singing "I've been sitting on the toilet, all the live long day! I've been sitting on the toilet, Just trying to hide away." Ferio smiled, "With my best friend John." (I'm sorry but if you didn't get that your slow!!!)

Not long afterwards, the girls carried away a screaming and kicking Zazu, oops...I mean, Darth Zaul. "This is injustice, do you hear me?!!! Injustice!!" Zazu shouted.
"This boy needs to get some friends beside Wufei and Geo." Umi muttered and forced Zazu back in the cage with Eagle and that one penguin. Darth Zaul looked in horror at the little flightless bird who had caused him so much trouble. The bird simply glanced at the 2 humans and asked, "Any body up for a game of poker?"

Anyway, Ferio was still on the toilet and still singing..."I've got a lovely bunch of Coconuts, deadly dee-dee..."

Still Clef was no where in sight, until a penguin pointed towards a the fountain. A fountain consisting of figurines of Clef's ancestors, who oddly enough, looked just like him. "Umm...I don't think he's there..." Presea admitted glancing at all the figures.
Presea turned around, giving Clef the opportunity to practice shooting water out his mouth, unfortunetly, it all landed on Presea's head. "Hey! What was that?" Presea shouted.
Clef quickly got back into place and Presea looked suspicous ly at him, but turned around again. Giving Clef another chance to practice his aim. The results didn't vary. "Ughhhhhhhh! Now I know something is up!" Presea screached and turned back to the fountain. But she instead got a good idea and walked quietly out of the room.

"Stand by your man!!!! Give him 2 arms to cling too........."

Lafarga quietly tiptoed into Clef's room and jumped into the closet, which was piled high with boxes of robes, all like Clefs. "Hey, CALDINA! These are pretty roomy!" Lafarga shouted to Caldina, who was standing outside the room.
Lafarga quickly put one on and started struting in front of Clef's full length mirror. "Hey, your right!" Caldina said happily and put one on too. "They especially go great with your underwear!" Lafarga realized.
"Your so smart, Lafarga!" Caldina said agreeing.

"'L' is for the way you look at me! O is for the only one I see! V is very very extraordinary. And E is even more than anyone that you adore, and love is all that I can give to you!...."

It was then that Caldina and Lafarga came down in their new attire, "Aren't we pretty?" Lafarga asked dreamilly.
"We are aren't we?" Caldina said giggling.
It was then that Clef saw them, and screamed, "What the hell are you doing in my mean, my outfits?!!!" Clef screamed angrilly.
"Dude, why are you in a fountain?" Caldina asked, curiously.
Hikaru, Umi and Obi-Fuu Kenobi stared at them all, eyes wide and ready to sweatdrop. "Uhhh..yeah, say where are Ascott and Sanyun?" Hikaru asked.
"And where's Geo and Lantis, and Ferio?" Umi asked.
Geo and Lantis came out of the curtains when they saw the girls weren't on a rampage anymore. And it didn't take them to long to find another penguin.

"Dragon! Dragon! Rock the Dragon! DragonBallZ!!!! Dragon! Dragon! Rock the Dragon....."

The penguin was beside a desk in the Cephirian library, a slight muffling sound could be heard from within the drawers. Hikaru opened the drawer and Sanyuns head popped out, gasping for air.

"Just wild beat communication
Ame ni utare na gara
Iroasenai atsui omoi
Karada jyuu de tsutaetai yo tonight!"

The others heard some knocking on the fireplace. "Santa Claus!" They all shouted in unison. Clef sighed and asked them wearilly. "Why would Santa be here in the middle of June?"
"He's early!" The others all sang happily.
Clef sighed and sweatdropped. Another sweatdrop appeared on the fireplace as well. And Ascott came tumbling out of it. "Darn, it's only Ascott." Umi sighed.
Ascott mumbled, "What do you mean, only me?!"
"Hey, has anyone seen Ferio?" Obi-Fuu Kenobi asked.
A flush was heard. Fuu got mad, "You mean that no-good lazy son of a bi..." Fuu started angrilly.
"It's ok, Fuu, we're already familar with the term." Umi sighed, interupting her.
"He's been in the bathroom this whole time?" Fuu muttered angrilly.
Meanwhile, In the bathroom..."Ahhhhh..that was one nasty terd.." Ferio sighed in relief.
The others opened the door and Lantis was first to catch a wiff of the smell, "Dude, what did you eat?!" he shouted at Ferio. "Skunk?"
"Ha! I only eat that on Fridays!" Ferio said, laughing.
"Dude!" Ascott cried, agreeing with Lantis.
"Okay, it's not that bad!" Ferio disagreed.
Fuu, unforetunetly caught a wiff of the smell too and went on a rampage killing spree, causing many deaths and thus, ending the fanfic.


Neoqueen: I still say your nuts.^^

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