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Series Title: Take Care, Your Highness
Length: 20 Epi
Series Rating : ****
Themesong : ****
Overall Acting : ****
Maggie's Acting : ***

Qianlong (Andy Lau), was a witty, playful, and smart prince and his father decided to put him on crown but he doesn't want to become the king at all. He and his brother sneaked out the palace and that's when Qianlong met Carina (an official's daughter) and fall in love with her at first sight. When he decided to marry Carina, the king demands Carina to marry another officer instead. Carina did married the officer but they didn't have a real marriage. Instead Qianlong and Carina are together secretly and the officer (Carina's husband) helps them set their meetings.

Qianlong did become the king after his father passed away. He thought he was not the real prince, instead he was a Han person because one of his old servant told him. He belive her so he went out the palace to search for his biological parents. He meets a lot of people on the road.

Hai Yui acts as a greedy man and belongs to a group that tries to bring the Han Dynasty back and downfall the Ting Dynasty. He doesn't want to be in the group because he didn't get any benefit from the group. Qianlong and Hai Yui became good friend so he became friends with other people in the group even though he knew they want to kill him (they don't know he was the king)......

Qianlong's uncle wants to be the king so he went against Qianlong. On the other side, his friends found out he was the king and he doesn't know what to do with them. He doesn't want to kill them because he really did treats them as friends. That is why Kin Long has a lot of problems and he grew more mature as he aged.

Carina and the king didn't work so they separated even though Qianlong loves her very much.

Maggie acts as Hong Hong Princess and she only appears at the last few episodes. Hai Yui shows her to Kin Long. Hong Hong Princess hates Kin Qianlong because he was the one who destroyed her country. Since Qianlong was attracted to her beauty, he falls in love with her. He tries many ways to make her happy and spend a lot of time with her. He even orders people to build a place that look exactly like her country. Hong Hong Princess was very touch so she starts to like him too. But things are not always prefect......

Listen to the song

主 題 曲 : 龍 的 心
主 唱 : 葉 振 棠
曲 : 黎 小 田
詞 : 鄧 偉 雄

權 難 捨 要 比 天 更 高
誰 能 及 我 我 心 滿 自 豪
人 從 前 路 去
萬 里 江 山 闊
多 少 光 輝 舖 前 路

情 難 捨 也 不 想 細 數
情 緣 恨 怨 那 管 有 或 無
誰 人 能 望 到 眼 中 的 苦 惱
多 少 歡 呼 隨 腳 步

地 烈 能 復 修 青 天 可 以 補
一 聲 高 呼 似 風 暴
命 運 在 手 一 聲 喝 令 中
光 輝 背 後 無 數 血 路

誰 能 知 我 心 中 痛 楚
前 塵 逝 去 卻 輕 化 浪 濤
從 來 難 料 到 今 朝 多 失 意
多 少 悲 傷 難 吐 露

舊 恨 難 復 修 此 心 怎 去 補
心 中 哀 傷 似 風 暴
舊 事 逝 水 始 終 去 復 返
興 衰 勝 敗 誰 去 說 道

Special thanks to Raymond for allowing me to put this song on Maggie Siu Sphere from his website!

This is Maggie's first series and she looks extremely beautiful in this series. I like her clothes and her hairstyle a lot in this series. Although she didn't have a lot of screen time but she did pair up with the first leading actor, Andy. That is why people will definetely notice her. Andy and Maggie look very cute together because both of them look very attractive and very pretty in ancient clothes. This is an enjoyable series to watch, not the best Maggie's series, but not a bad series at all. I recommend people who haven't watched it; should rent the series. Even if you don't like the story, I'm sure you will be happy with Maggie looks. Her most beautiful ancient looks are in this series and in Bing Kuen as well!!

* These are only based on my opinion, not on real rating for the series! The more stars mean the better. Five stars are the maximum!