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Silken Hands

Summary written by: Vicki

This takes place in 1930 or 40s (not sure of exact time period) china. Amy and Maggie work in a factory that produces silk. Amy is Maggie’s “si fu”(master). They have a very close relationship that resembles sisters. Amy is a rational lady, too rational at times. Maggie is somewhat of a hot headed and straightforward girl.

Amy is in her mid to late 20s and has decided not to marry and become a spinster. She has decided to “sow hei”( put her hair in a bun and not get married). She came to this decision because she feels that she can earn a living by herself and chooses not to rely on men. Amy will move in to a house where other spinsters share a house and the household expenses.

Maggie and Andy like each other very much. Andy wishes to propose to Maggie because she is at the right age to get married. However, Andy can barely get by on his own with the salary he earns. He rows a boat around town delivering goods. They decide to get married regardless of their economic difficulties. Andy’s mother has a small amount of savings which is enough for a small wedding. Andy cannot directly propose to Maggie. He must use a “mui yun pow” (matchmaker). Meanwhile, Maggie’s parents have decided to find a matchmaker of their own. As a result of miscommunication, Andy’s marriage proposal was not successful. Maggie’s parents have decided to marry her off to some fairly rich man. Maggie fights her parents on the issue and decides to fun off with Andy. By this time Andy has loss faith in himself and his future with Maggie because he was told that Maggie has decided to marry someone else. He decides to leave town himself and leaves Maggie heartbroken.

Amy’s little sister who is a teacher returns to town with her friend, Gallen. Amy’s little sister and Gallen have decided to start a small school in the small town to educate anyone who wishes to learn. Amy’s little sister has a crush on Gallen but he only thinks of her as a friend.

Gallen and Amy’s first encounter is somewhat awkward. Amy and her spinster friends mistaken Gallen as some kind of pervert. Things get straighten out and over time Gallen develops a fascination as to why Amy chose to become a spinster. Amy begins to sense Gallen’s intentions and good feelings towards her. She too has developed feelings for him too. However, she is hesitant to act on these feelings. She knows her little sister likes Gallen. In addition, she has decided to become a spinster. Gallen finally approaches Amy with these feelings. Amy explains that she cannot marry him because she is a spinster. Since Gallen has westernized views, he thinks what Amy says is nonsense. However, since he likes her, he respects her decision and decides to leave town. Before leaving town, he leaves his address and promises to write to her as often as he can.

Meanwhile, Andy has returned to town with a new bride. Maggie decides to question Andy herself and ask him why he left town without so much as a word. Their confrontation is full of anger but the truth comes out. Neither was to be blamed, it was all a misunderstanding on both ends.

Maggie has never stopped loving Andy and vice versa. Their love for each other is so strong that they lose sight of what’s right and wrong. They begin to carry on an affair. This carries on for quite some time until the they finally come to their senses.

Will Maggie and Andy end up together? What will happen to Andy’s wife? Will Amy decide to give up spinsterhood and be with Gallen? Finds out the series.

Special thanks to Vicki for the summary!