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Series Title: The Conspiracy
Length: 20 Epi
Series Rating : *
Overall Acting : ****
Maggie's Acting : ***

Maggie falls down the cliff and was saved by Jimmy's sister. When she wakes up, she lost all of her memory and can't recall any of her pasts. Jimmy's sister treats Maggie very nice and they establish a great friendship with each other. Maggie likes Jimmy but unfortunately he already like someone else, Lau Mei Kuen. But Lau Mei Kuen likes Eddie.

Jimmy and Eddie seem to be born enemies, not just in love but also their si fung's past. Au Yeung Pui San and Tse Yin are ex-lovers. Au Yeung Pui San was a princess at her country but since she betrays her father by stealing his martial art book for Tse Yin, she became her family betrayer. They did got marry but soon got separating because Tse Yin didn't pay much attention to his wife, instead he focus all his time in the martial art book. That is why Au Yeung Pui San left him and decided to take revenge. Unfortunately she was pregnant with his baby (Eddie) but she decided to raise her son and tell him to take revenge on her behalf when he grow up. She asks another family to raise her son. Eddie didn't know about their relationship because he thought she is just his si fung. On the other side, Jimmy is Tse Yin's martial student.

Eddie likes Maggie but she doesn't like him. That is why she ran away in their wedding day and fall down a cliff. Jimmy did accept Maggie later but their love didn't go smoothly. Eddie kidnaps Maggie in their wedding day and rapes her. She feels so shameful so she hides herself from Jimmy. Later she even became a prostitute and was pregnant with a baby. Luckily Jimmy did find her and feel guilty for her misfortune. They did get back together but they still have a lot of obstacle ahead of them….

Eddie kills Tse Yin but he doesn't know that he was actually his father. Au Yeung Pui San told Eddie her past and he found out he actually had kill his own father….

As fate would have it, Eddie and Jimmy are enemies. Eddie wants to kill Jimmy and he became very evil and starts killing a lot of people. Nobody was on his side except for his wife, Lau Mei Kuen. No matter how evil he is, she still stay with him because she loves him too much. Unfortunately she lost her life…

Listen/Download (Whole Song)

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Special thanks to Raymond for allowing me to put this song on Maggie Siu Sphere from his website.
Picture from Muzi.

I think the series is weak in plot. That is why I don't like this series. Maggie play a very pitiful character but her character is not that interesting though. Maggie looks better with Eddie than Jimmy. Actually I didn't watch all of this series, skip quite a lot of scenes.

* These are only based on my opinion, not on real rating for the series! The more stars mean the better. Five stars are the maximum!