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Da site is now finished well my Part(Alanna) at least , rebecca is just i dunno ! lol ohh well, if ur here prolly form my hotmail thingy anyways click on Lanna'z side !!! thanks alot ! and dunt forget to sign the guestbook here ! thanks alot, hope to read all ur comments ! CiAo P.S sHOuTZ gO OuT 2 all ThE BrEbUfF guys at camp olympia u guys were da best thanks sooo much, but still u mite have a shout out in ma boiz shuotouts so check dat out thanks, i will get more up soon ! CiAo tHaNks SoOOoO MuCh and if rebecca would get her ACT 2gether , u can check out her side :S she is still workin on it !!! lol but Thanks for comming by Plz keep checking back , and PLEASE PLEASE sign the GUESTBOOK ! thank you tons !

Updated last : June 24th 2002

Jus letting peeps know (its alanna) to check out my site Now, i got sum clebrites pics of (2) :D lol,i need sum ideas but thanks neways

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The Two Parts-> U should Kno wut to do! SiGn G-Book HeRe

LaNnA'z SiDe !
ReBeCcAz SiDe !->Still In process