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ShOuToUtZ 2 all mAh friends and cousins

**If you want a shoutout from me personally, just e-mailz me or sign my g~bookie,k?

:?:No SpEcIaL OrDer:?:

- Shout.outz -


Greggy ~ Sup!!...hehe...finally, you, kimberly, anthony, jay-ar and me are all in college now...all is left is amanda, jonathan and kelly....whoa...why did u decide to go to Bellvue CC?? o well..... well show ur azn pride n let dem girls know where ur from..hehe...well payce out bro

Emily~ Hey Sexy!! I'm gald I finally talked to you in a long time. I hope you're enjoying life in Las Vegas. I really miss you babe..I'm so glad we're friends even though we both live somewhere else. Well gotta go luv ya

Jay-Ar~ Sup Viking!! We finally graduated HS...tight, huh? good luck at Western this fall...i'm sure ur gonna have hella fun because of all those hot college women(girls)...well aiight payce out bro

Anthony~ Sup Man!! Finally, we're out of HS...tight, huh?? well good luck in what lies ahead for ya...and hook up with some college girls...payce out bro

Marc~ Sup Sophomore!! How was your first year of HS...tight, huh?? well keep it that way...good luck next year and the next two years...payce out bro

Donna~ Hey cuz! What's up! I hope you're gonna like being a sophomore..i know i did..well have a fun rest of the summer...aiight?? byez

Rachel~ Hey Gurl~ Ready for HS?? don't worry you will do sure to get to know some of the sophomores, juniors, and seniors...don't be nervous...if you're ever nervous jus ask someone that has been there already...hint hint...hehe...luv ya

Andrew~ Sup cuz!! It was coo in cali...good luck as a freshman at Morse...your going to have fun in high school..payce

Kuya Aaron~ Hey cuz! It was coo bowling with you beat me by one point its all good..i still had fun..stay cool!!

BJ ~ Sup Cuz!! It was coo at camping.. sry we didn't get to see you guys while we were in cali..its all good tho right?? well payce and good luck this school year

JJ~ Sup Cuz!! It was coo at camping..once again sry we didn't get to see you guys while we were in cali..its all good tho right?? have a great school year payce

I'm makin' more shoutouts so please be patient, k?

InTro PiCs LiNks