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Auli & Risto

* Name: Auli Irene Ryynänen *
* Birthday: March 28, 1982*
* Birthplace: Lappeenranta *
* Place of residence: Lappeenranta *
* Studying place: St. Michel *
* Education: Lukio *
* Family: Dad, Mom, Littlesister and Littlebrother *
* Hobbies: Reading of books, cyckling,

rollskating, swimming.. *

* Name: Risto Pekka Kakkonen *
* Birthday: June 28, 1980*
* Birthplace: Pyhäselkä *
* Place of residence: Lappeenranta *
* Studying place: Imatra *
* Education: High school graduate, upcoming datanom *
* Family: Half father, Mom, Bigbrother and twinbrother *
* Hobbies: Rollskating, gym, 

swimming, jogging, difference teamgames, listening of music, reading of books.. *