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...the 1st time we met in health started talking to me about buying drugs and sex.

...the first time u realized you liked me was probably when we were getting new IDs and you saw my thong-the orange and green one...and started calling me squirrel just to get attention.

...the first time you asked me out-online...I thought it was so cute that you were shy.

...the first time we kissed-we were on Gi's couch watching Austin Powers...June 18, 2001

...the time we went to the movies and all we did was kiss and touch.

...the first time I told you I loved you-on the phone and you made me repeat it to make sure you werent dreaming it

...the first time you told me you loved me was the day after we almost broke up (Sept 18-your birthday)

...the first time I wiped the tears away and kissed me-Sept 25th-that day means more to me than anything in the world.

...the night at taught me that stick dance dealy...then did it better than you did, but you didnt care...I even wore your sister's clothes because you wanted to desi-fy me you always teased me when I played pool because I play left-handed-not right

...that we pretended to play pool but we were...=ox

...the 1st time u tried to stop smoking...and the 2nd...and 3rd...all because I asked u to--nice try even though it didnt last

...staying out until one in the morning looking at stars you explained to me why you called me squirrel...that's pretty messed up...but cute

* I love you more than anything in this world...I can't begin to express what you mean to me. Through the easy times and the hard, you were always there for me.No one I've ever known loves me like you do. All I know is I never have felt more loved and cared for and it's all because of you. We were meant to be together. No matter what happens to us, you will always have my heart*

~*I will forever love you, Ashish Walekar *~
6+ months and counting =o)