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Yoga is a family of spiritual practices (together with their accompanying texts and institutions) that developed on the Indian subcontinent. It includes Hatha Yoga, the related fitness exercises familiarly known as simply 'Yoga' popular in the West. As a means to enlightenment (or bodhi) and freedom (or moksa), yoga is central to Hinduism, Buddhism and Jainism.
(From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.)

Yoga Postures
Home, yoga, yoga sutra, asana, postures,
The Spinal Roll, Rocking Exercise, The Stomach Lift, Abdominal Lift, Ud

Yoga Postures Step-By-Step - [Yoga Anand Ashram]

Yoga Postures

Main Yogas

Bhakti Yoga

Hatha Yoga

Jnana Yoga

Karma Yoga

Kripalu Yoga

Laya Yoga

Mantra Yoga

Raja Yoga

Tantra Yoga

Other forms of Yoga

Kundalini Yoga

Kriya Yoga

Index of Yoga Exercises (Asanas)

Yoga for Beginners

Yoga Basics

Yoga Movement

Yoga Finder

Yoga Directory

Yahoo! Directory Yoga

Yoga and Fitness (About)

Yoga Techniques - Yogic Exercises - Types of Yoga Systems

Yoga Journal Magazine

Yoga in the Office

Meditation and Relaxation
How to Do Active Meditation

How to Assume the Cobra Pose in Yoga

How to Assume the Corpse Pose in Yoga

How to Assume the Lotus Pose in Yoga

How to Assume the Standing Twist in Yoga

How to Assume the Forward Bend in Yoga