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Track and Field

Track and field or track and field athletics, is a collection of sport events, which can roughly be divided into running, throwing, and jumping. The word is derived from the Greek word "athlos" meaning "contest".
(From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.)
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Training Tips
Track Coach -- Selected Technique Articles

How To Start a Running Program

Track Training Ideas for 100m and up.

Run Quick - Training Programs and Online Coaching

American Track and Field

Cool Running Training

The Running Network -- Training Tips

Early Season Track Training

Marathon Training Program

Training - The Long Run

Cybrary Man suggests running The Falmouth Road Race
one of the most beautiful races in America!

Falmouth Road Race

The Falmouth Road Race is one of the top-rated events on the international circuit and annually attracts a world-class field, racing seven scenic miles from Woods Hole to Falmouth Heights. In all, almost 10,000 recreational runners mix with the world’s best, with an estimated 50,000 fans lining the course, making this one of the top sporting attractions in New England and a centerpiece of summer on Cape Cod.

About the Falmouth Road Race: The Falmouth Road Race was founded in 1973 and has been named the "Best USA Road Race" by Runner’s World magazine. It has also been featured in Life Magazine and Sports Illustrated, as well as on CBS television and ESPN. Last July it was named in Sports Illustrated "One of the 25 essential things to do in the summer." It was the only road race listed. Proceeds from the race benefit Falmouth school programs and youth organizations. The race annually receives more than 25,000 requests for entry forms and fills its field of 10,000 in less than a week.

Track and Field Links

Track & Field News

Runner's World Magazine

USA Track & Field

Running & Jogging for Recreation and Sport - Exercise - Weight Loss

The World Of Running And Track & Field

Distance Demons: For young runners willing to go the extra mile

KidsRunning : Get Fit, Have Fun & Get Healthy

The History of Shoes - Sandals - Sneakers - Shoelaces

The Original Runner's Web and Triathlete's Web, a Running, Track and Field and Triathlon Resource Portal

Triathlon Training for Beginners

Triathlon training tips

International Triathlon Union

USA Triathlon

Inside Triathlon

Ironman Series

Triathlete Magazine

The American Triathlon Calendar

The Decathlon Association

Armory Track & Field Center

Boston Athletic Association: Boston Marathon

The New York City Marathon

Olympics from Cybrary Man