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In biology, Environment may be defined as the complex of climatic, biotic, social and edaphic factors that acts upon an organism and determines its form and survival. It, therefore, includes everything that may directly affect the metabolism or behavior of a living organism or species, including light, air, water, soil, and other living beings. See natural environment.
(From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.)


Explore Your Environment

Directions: Spend 15 minutes outside or inside your home or school. Use your senses to answer these questions:

1. List everything you see.
2. Breathe in and describe what you smell.
3. Close your eyes and list the sounds that you hear. Where did they come from?
4. Touch something (not another person) close by and describe how it feels.

Learning About Your Environment
Culver Company, Inc.
Written by Cybrary Man
Recycle-Reduce-Reuse Links

Commonly Recycled Materials

Dumptown Game

The Internet Consumer Recycling Guide

Reuse and Recycle Links

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle Theme Page - links

Elementary Social Studies Recycling Curriculum

Reuse + Recycling = Waste Reduction: A Guide for Schools

How to Set Up a Recycing Program

Recycling: Research/Information Sites

Recycling Symbols

The Imagination Factory - Creative ways to recycle by making art

How Composting Works (How Stuff Works)
Worm Words Glossary for Teachers
Master Composter
Composting and Earth Information Resources
How to Make Compost

Saving Nonrenewable Energy Resources
Renewable Energy Sources
Offshore Windfarms in the United States?

Global Warming - Climate Change

Global Warming Links
Global Warming Frequently Asked Questions
EPA Climate Change Kids Site
Global Warming (Weather Eye)
Warming of the Earth (Woods Hole)
Global Warming The Pew Center on Global Climate Change
Global Warming Facts and Our Future

Global Warming Lessons and Links

Global Warming Activity

Global warming-Activities

What is Acid Rain?
The Environmental Literacy Council - Acid Rain
Acid Rain Program: EPA's Clean Air Market Programs
Acid Rain (Environment Canada)
Stratospheric Ozone
NASA - Ozone Resource Page
Waste and Hazardous Substances
The Toxic House

How Can My Community Reduce Waste?
Hey! Don't Throw that Out!
Exploring the Waste Land
Waste Reduction in the Home
Municipal Solid Waste (MSW State Data)
Top 20 Hazardous Substances

The Toxic House

Tox Town: An Interactive Guide to Commonly Encountered Toxic Substances


Greener Choices: Products for a Better Planet

NRDC Building Green

Getting Green Field Trip


Environmental Career Guide

Environmental Scientists and Hydrologists - Environment Careers and Jobs.

EPA Careers US EPA

Alaska Scenery
Photograph by Cybrary Man

Support the Earth Day Groceries Project


International Earth Day
Earth Day Network
Earth Day (Today in History)
The Innovative Teaching Newsletter Earth Day

Teacher Planet Earth Day Theme

The Science Spot Earth Day Resources

The Lesson Plans Page - Earth Day Lesson Plans, Ideas, and Activities

Keeping our planet green - Earth Day, Reduce Reuse Recycle, Plants, Forests, Environment - Mr. Donn

Earth Day (Wilderness Society)
Earth Day - Kaboose
Earth's Birthday Project

Earth Day - Prekfun

Earth_Day Printables - Play2Learn Printables

Every day is Earth Day!- Starfall

Arbor Day Links

Ecosystem Diamante Poetry Science Lesson Plan

Environmental Awareness Knowing Your World

Natural Resources
Natural Resources - abcTeach

Natural Resources lessons & resources

Natural Resources
Natural Resources, the Environment and Ecosystems (English and Spanish)

What's really going on underground: The Dirt on Soil DiscoverySchool

Food Chains BrainPop

Biosphere Food Chains - Geography4Kids

PLANETPALS food chain earth science animals herbivores carnivores

EPA - EnviroMapper: for your area.
AIRNow - Quality of Air - US Map

Window to My Environment
Wonderville - Fun Science Activities for Kids

Student Environmental Education Sites

EPA Student Center
EPA Environmental Kids Club
H.S. Environmental Center
EnviroLink Library
Information Center for the Environment

Zam's Quest
A unique role playing curriculum that empowers kids to join the environmental discussion about the world's wildlife conservation issues.

Environmental Issues
Environmental Defense
Environmental News Network
Earthweek: A Diary of the Planet
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
EPA Zip Code Search
EPA Heat Island Site
Environmental Media Services

Consumers Union Guide to Environmental eco-labels

Build an Eco-Sphere

The Earth Times: People/Politics/Global Change

Earth Trends: The Environmental Information Portal

Environmental Education on the Internet

Terms of Environment - Dictionary
World Environment News (Reuters)
Environmental Education for Kids!

Environmental Diseases from A to Z
P.O.V.'s Borders . Environment
Biodiversity and Conservation
Investigate Biodiversity
Biodiversity Counts
Looking for Biodiversity--Plants
The Environmental Literacy Council
Environment: GMability Education
Radon Publications - A Citizen's Guide to Radon
How Scientists Study Toxic Chemicals
Chemicals, The Environment, and You
Images of Nature
Naturescene Interactive

Biomes Links
EcoKids Activities and Games
Endangered Species

EE-LInk : Endangered Species
Kids Corner: Endangered Species
Endangered Specie: The Rarest Info Around
Endangered Species Program
Endangered Species Coalition
Animal Info - Information on Rare, Threatened and Endangered Mammals

National Environmental Data Index (NEDI)

National Environmental Directory