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* version XIV...

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-->Hey there people...WELCOME!!! I'm really happy about this one to date...Hope you all find it visually pleasing as well...Anywaise this layout features a beautiful character from Magna Carta...very lovely layout with a song by Andain titled "Beautiful Things"...It's best viewed in 800x600 resolution...This layout was unleashed march eighth two thousand four...I made it on adobe photoshop 7.o...The colors I used were in light grays and dark grays...This ones dedicated to loved ones...Hopefully you enjoy what's on here cause its always changing. Have fun...^_^


born.feb. xvii
ethnicity.laos & chinese
located.minnesota, usa
occupation.regal cinemas
education.UofM:twin cities
contact.note me

::[.in depth.]::::::::::

-->My personality can be somewhat difficult to describe...I mean I change personalities constantly...I'm very open-minded, soft-spoken but that changes when I get to know you...I love to party (when I get the chance to), I've been told that I'm kind and considerate to others...respect, to me, is a two way have to give and in return you shall recieve...I like to hang out with the people I love...I'll try anything new once and if I like it, it becomes a favorite...I can sometimes be stubborn...I don't know why but I like to work...odd, huh?...I am very easy to get along with...ask anyone of my friends(^_^)...Oh and once you get to know me, I'm like the biggest goof you'll ever meet...



--[?]Ok, so now that we've learned a little about who you are, tell us what do you like to do for fun?
--[a]well lets see...I love to go shopping...I mean if you can't find me at home or at work, go and look for me at the local mall...I'll for sure be can ask anyone of my friends to see if there is anything left in my account from my summer far its been empty every time I get paid...not good...umm I love to go and eat out...anything chinese is yummy, same as anything know a dim sum place?...better take me (hahaha j/k)...I also love to watch movies...haha maybe thats why I'm still working at my job...I'm testing out my web designing skills right now...I mean I've made layouts for two years now and getting better (i think) with every new one...It's just a hobby.

--[?]Interesting...what are some of your hobbies?
--[a]I'll just list them games, music, dance, friends, chat, web design, shop, asian avenue...let me think some more about this...

--[?]Music, eh? What type of music do you listen to?
--[a]Oh jeeeez, I can say that I can listen to just about anything. I like to listen to pop, k-pop(mostly listening to BoA right now), dance, r&b, even country. Anything that goes with my mood for that moment...but for me being so upbeat and all, I like anything that has a beat that I can dance to...^_^

--[?]You love to shop a lot don't you? What are some of your favorite stores to shop at?
--[a]Well when I do get a chance to hit up the malls, I love to shop at American Eagle, Old Navy, Gap, Aeropostale, Hot Topic(I know that is doesn't mesh with everything else that I listed but hey they do have cool things), Best Buy, Target, FYE, and Express ^.^...


--[?]Single and ready to mingle, huh? What do you look for in that "Special Someone"?
--[a] I don't really know what I want in my special someone...I guess they would have to be honest. They would have to have a sense of humor of any kind...ummmm have fun no matter how bad the situation may be...just an all around great person to be around...I don't think I'm asking for too much am I?

--[?]Speaking of Asian Avenue, how long have you been a member?
--[a]one year and three months (may 29, 2002)

--[?]Whom do you associate yourself with?
--[a]I like to be around people that can have fun without being afraid to show me their true I say, if you can't be true to yourself and to others around you, then who are you? People who can have fun without drinking or using drugs (I mean if you do those things I won't hate you for just that alone...I'm not here to judge you) and can get the best out of life, day by day, without worries.

--[?]Wow, looks like you have your feet on the ground. I wish I could continue to get to know more about you, but we've just run outta time. Thanks for taking the time to share with us a little about you, alex!
--[a]awww, we were just having fun too. Well thank you for taking the time in getting to know more about me.


"You can feel the "FORCE" but you can't feel the "JERK"...hahaha" -Shelly-


**working on this...check back a little later


---+[to everyone in life...Without you I don't know what I would do]+---


o4x29xo4 @ 11:43 p.m. central
--->working on it....busy with life and all I'll update soon...^_^


Coming soon-->Spring Break Moments

**pics coming soon**
