La Monaca di Monza (1947)

Paolo Barbara, 1912-1989 (see Il bravo di Venezia)
Rossano Brazzi
Elisa Cegani (see I dieci comandamenti)
Sandro Ruffini
Bella Starace-Sainati (see Redenzione)
Carlo Tamberlani (see É caduta una donna)

Raffaello Pacini

Director of Photography
Gabor Pogany

Set Designer
Italo Cremona

Carlo Innocenzi

Unavailable at this time.

As far as we can tell, Sandro Ruffini didn't work with Rossano again. BUT, he did appear in an interesting film titled, "Ivan, Il figlio di diavolo bianco" ("Ivan, the Son of the White Devil"). The aforementioned "White Devil", was, of course, one of the many popular swashbuckling roles that Rossano perfected. As a matter of fact, Rossano's more famous Italian screen characters turned out to be an astoundingly procreative group: in addition to the "Son of the White Devil", there were also a series of films based on the "Son of the Black Eagle" - another one of his famous characters.
Gabor Pogany also worked on Gli inesorabili.

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