Il diavolo bianco

Part I
Storybook published by Mon Film, © March 30, 1949
Translated From: French

The stage coach jolted along a road full of ruts. The afternoon had ended, a beautiful sunny afternoon. Everything seemed so restful in the beautiful countryside that one could not even imagine that pain and suffering could exist. However, in 1850, the year in which this story took place, all the country suffered under the yoke of the governor Alexis Alexandroff. This implacable and unjust man taxed peasant farmers of the biggest part of their harvests, of their livestock, and even of their land. Aggravated, the peasants had rebelled, guided by the young count Wassili Koutesoff, a generous soul who dedicated his life to the service of the oppressed.

But Alexandroff had superior means to use against those of the rebels. He had the troops under his orders, and a merciless heart. Patrols browsed the countryside, and woe to anyone surprised with a greater possessions than what he had declared.

This one said: " The Government of this province has decided firmly to re-establish the order. We adjure the population to refuse all aid to the rebels. Anyone found in possession of weapons, or who rebels against the armed agents of the collection of taxes and tithes, will be transported to the courthouse, will be judged according to the martial law and will see all his possessions confiscated. Owners of more than ten heads of livestock should deliver to the Governor the surplus of their herd. Signed, The General Governor, ALEXIS ALEXANDROFF.

Soldiers accompanied the crier who went further into the countryside to read to the crowds the fatal proclamation. However, a man of the village fled unobserved and, running until he lost his breath, he ran to the fields to warn the peasants who watched over their grazing herds.

"Soldiers! Soldiers!", he exclaimed. "Hide yourselves! There are soldiers! Hide the herd!" But before they could execute this order, the prairie was surrounded by the troops.

"You didn't hear the proclamation!" exclaimed the officer who had alighted to the ground.

"These beasts are mine", answered the peasant. "You don't have the right to take them from me."

"We will see!" replied the chief of the detachment.

Furious to see his property despoiled, the peasant took a step forward, rising his arm to hit the soldier, but he was unable to finish his gesture. The sound of gunfire was heard and the man fell, killed by his wounds. Hardly had he fallen than another shot rang out and that the soldier who had so devalued another human life fell to the ground, victim of an avenging bullet. The Feodor count Koutesoff fled at a gallop, pursued by the soldiers, who fired their guns without stopping. The count was finally able to outdistance them, but only until he arrived at the door of the castle; and rolling off of his horse at the feet of his sister and her servants, he gave his last sigh, having had the time only to pronounce some words asking rightly that someone warns his fiancee Katoushka.

During this time, Katoushka, ignorant of the drama that had taken place, returned to the theater with the corps de ballet. Light, clothed in tulle sprinkled with flowers, she distinguished herself from her companions by the beauty of her big eyes and the grace of her movements. The practice being interrupted for a few moments of rest, girls spoke and laughed among themselves, happy to be alive and feeling beautiful. All of a sudden, the door opened up and Wassili called Katoushka softly. She came immediately toward him, smiling, but seeing the anxious air of the young man, she understood that something serious must have happened. Immediately worried, she interrogated him:

"Tell me! Did something happen to Feodor?"

"Courage, Katoushka! Courage!"

"Speak! Don't let me suffer! Did they put him in jail?"

"Alas! They killed him!"

Before the girl could answer, the mistress of ballet came back, strongly agitated:

"Silence! mesdemoiselles, silence! The Governor honors us with his presence!" Indeed, the Governor, insolent and sure of himself, entered, followed by his damned soul, the, colonel Stanikoff. He stopped, smiling and amused, while looking at the girls who bowed before him.

"Magnificent, mesdemoiselles! I attended the recital and I congratulate you! You are all charming and possess a great talent." While speaking, his glances stopped on the face of Katoushka. This one, pale in her white tulle, watched him with an indefinable smile. Then, all of a sudden her eyes closed, she swooned and she would have fallen if the Governor, with a quick movement, had not prevented her. In the midst of a general panic provoked by the dancer's unconsciousness, Alexis Alexandroff remained silent, holding in his arms the girl with the closed eyes. He thought that since she had fallen there, that would be a pleasant adventure that would last according to his fantasy. During this time, Wassili, who had watched the scene without trying to help, retired discreetly. But as he tried to leave two soldiers grabbed the young man, who was taken quickly. Some hours later, he appeared before the martial Court with some men of the village. After a summary trial, some were condemned to be executed; others, one of which was Wassili, were sent to twenty forced work years in Siberia. That is, to the slow death...

Then, the man who had judged men guilty for loving liberty, the governor Alexis, Alexandroff , united all the nobles of the city and castles of the vicinity. Standing before his office, his chest covered with decorations, with a hard face and a biting voice, he spoke to them thus:

"Privileges that have been granted you by my predecessor give me the right to require the biggest loyalty, and I wait for your most sincere help in the pacification of this province. I counsel you therefore to make the peasants understand that they must refuse all help to rebels, and especially as they must enlarge their ranks. These outlaws only reinforce the stern measures given me to maintain the order. I believe myself to be clearly explained ... I hope that my words will make you think. In case of necessity, the intendant Mikailoff will be entirely at your disposition to help you, and he will serve as mediator between you and me. This is everything that I had to tell you."

Olga Koutesoff was among the people present in the Governor's lounge. As had the others, she had listened in silence, her eyes fixed on the man that had ordered one of her brothers killed and who had condemned the other to twenty years of hard labor in Siberia. Rage boiled in her heart, but her mother's pleading looks helped her to contain her anger. However, when Alexandroff Alexis passed before the better residents of the province, glancing at the good people with an insolent air, as though they were some in which his soldiers would like empty a pistol, Olga took a step forward. Alexandroff stopped his feline walk. He looked at the girl and was struck by her beauty. This hard-hearted man, while seeing her, had an idea only to please her. As Olga remained silent before him, he asked her:

"Did you wish something, miss?"

"No, Excellence..."

And Olga stepped away and was lost in the crowd. Alexandroff looked after her with a pensive air as she moved away. "Do you know her?", he asked his secretary Mikailoff.

"She is the sister of the Wassili count and the fiancée of the prince André Midwani, Excellence. The prince, who has stayed for a long time in England, and is decorated, is underway back to Knieff. He is expected at any moment at the castle."

The prince was indeed very close to the city. He was in the stage coach which we last saw jolting along the road full of ruts. Sudden, travelers heard the sound of gunfire.

"Oh my God!", exclaimed a trembling traveler. "Someone is going to kill us! What is it?"

"Without a doubt some rebels," one of passengers of the stage coach answered him. "The region is quite infested."

André Midwani sat close to the door. As much as one was able to in judge, he was tall and slim. His brown face had an uncommon beauty. His air of distinction, his elegance, attracted looks and, as soon as he appeared, the women present looked like an assembly of parakeets, so much did he attract their attention.

"Three years ago", he said, "I left the country in the middle of revolt. I see that times didn't change. One would say that these thickheads do it for their pleasure!"

The man who had already spoken answered him: "What do you want? People die of hunger. They fight and will fight so much that the regime won't change. They are tired, and I am with them, they are tired, tired of being constantly persecuted and taxed of everything, tired of being reduced to living in poverty and injustice. Peasants only want to cultivate their land, since only this brings them their harvests. And I say, gentleman," he continued to address André, "why cultivate it, since they know well enough that their wheat only enriches the Government."

"Or rather to enrich the governor Alexis Alexandroff", intervened another traveler.

"This is true", rejoined the speaker to the man with the thin and intelligent face. "If you knew the unimaginable and revolting things that one sees in this province! ... as if these pillagers don't have enough with all their taxes, from time to time they fall on the countryside, attack the fiscal agents, rob carriers of money and reject guilt on rebels. And it is the population that pays! Those that cannot pay their ransom are going to rot in the salt mines ! Bothersome witnesses of which one doesn't speak anymore!"

"Very subtle", answered André.

"Do you agree, sir? ... Know that the present Governor is worse than the one who died!"

"It was not necessary to kill him", answered the Prince. "And if you kill this one, the next one will be even worse! Ah, believe me, violence doesn't solve anything ... nothing at all, except to create disinterest."

"I come back from Saint-Petersbourg", said another traveler. "I have quite a lot of relations there in the administration. Hey well, for them, that works very well. Believe me, we are far away from the capital! For those who govern, there is not a province managed well or managed badly. There are provinces that give back riches and those that don't allow riches. Ours, unfortunately, by reason of taxes, of ransoms, of taxes, of the output, of money mines, is a province that allows riches ... Then, one lets governors make what they want. Our claims remain unheard. We are considered eternally unhappy. We only have one thing to do: to resign ourselves ... it is the point of view of all those that are in the Governor's graces. Those people mock the people's sufferings."

"No", answered André, while choking back a yawn, "the people's sufferings are not to be disregarded, but one doesn't relieve their sufferings by killing governors, Alexis or any other. Do you know Shakespeare?" asked Prince André. "Do you know what he says? 'To sleep, to sleep, and maybe to dream!' ... Voilà! I won't answer you, gentleman; we speak a different language!" And each traveler returned to his shell and stayed silent for the remainder of the journey.

All of the household servants of Prince André waited for him in the big room of the castle. All hoped that their master's return was going to put end to their misfortune. The prince had just dismissed them and he was alone an instant with John, his faithful valet, when he heard an imperturbable cough. All of a sudden, the sound became different, a rustle of trailing dress, of lightly running steps, a happy voice shouting a name of the beloved, and Olga was in arms of her fiancé.

"I wonder," said André, "how I could have remained apart from you for such a long time! ... do you still love me?"

"And you?"

"You don't know? ... Let's go, tell me about your life! Tells me everything that happened here! I heard the worst silliness, in the stage coach."

"You heard the truth! And as if that were not enough, it is necessary to turn the good mines over to the governor Alexis Alexandroff. To attend feasts of the palace, to dance with officers, who are on duty where Wassili is interned!"

"Your brother's business is very sad", answered the prince, lightly and indifferently, occupied with inhaling with pleasure a small bottle of perfume. "Say, what do you think of this perfume? It is the lavender of Scotland. I brought back some six bottles, and now I wonder if the lavender of France would not have better agreed with me. But what stupidity on behalf of your brother, to get into such a trough! Ah, I believe indeed that the lavender of Scotland is better. Yet the one of France ..."



"Never a day have I seen you so frivolous."

"Frivolous? Not at all, love! But, in England, I learned some things ..."

"Which things?"

'For example, that he is stupid to butt heads against the strongest. It only results in the worst of boredoms ... but what is it, love? You appear offended! Did you prefer the rebel that I was previously? Believe me, the new André, who always likes you as deeply inside, will please you as much! In the meanwhile, it is necessary that you come with me to the Governor. I must pay him a visit."

The following day, the two young people were received in audience by the governor Alexis Alexandroff.

"Excellence!", said the prince while bowing gracefully.

"Prince", the Governor answered him, "I am happy to know you. Dear countess", he added while addressing himself to Olga, charming under her cape of silk turtledove, "Countess, I am delighted to see you again. Prince, you have there the most unique and rare flower of this wild moor. But, tell me, I believe you arrived only yesterday?"

"My first visit is for you, Excellence, as it must be. 'To all the Lord, all honor', says the proverb, and I do adore proverbs; don't you?"

"What somber silliness!", thought the Governor. "And it is this man who will marry the only woman who makes me believe that I am capable of love..."

The prince persisted, "I permitted myself to bring back to Your Excellence a modest gift, but one that is a testimony of my fidelity."

"What is this?"

"Simple ties to take with you to the fields, Excellence. They are fashionably English, because you know that I come back from London; they are woven of linen and hemp."

"You are too much good, prince! But I still wear the uniform."

"In this case, Excellence, they will serve well your heirs or your successors. But have you not received a letter from the Grand Duke Cyrille about me?"

"In effect! He speaks of you in a very laudatory manner, and in such terms that I believe myself able to count on your full collaboration. Only, prince, believe me... stay consistent in that, so that a few less rebels take refuge on your land!"

"May Your Excellence be persuaded that I will be careful, so that a second warning is unnecessary!"

"I will know you will, prince, but this very stern conversation must tire our pretty countess Olga. Follow me, I had them serve in your honor a few cool refreshments in the gardens."

During this time, the public crier browsed the country, adding to the inhabitant's knowledge a new proclamation:

"The population not having paid out the yearly royalties for the acquisition of cultivated land, this land will be confiscated, as well as all buildings. For a fine of two hundred rubles will be paid by the head of each family. Agents of the treasury are put in charge of looking after the execution of this order. By order of the Governor, Alexis Alexandroff."

Hardly had he finished his reading, when the man was surrounded by riders. In the middle of them, on a magnificent horse, was a masked man wearing a veil of white. Only his eyes were visible between the veil that covered the bottom of his face and his cap of fur. He was armed with a gun and, pushing it against the crier's chest, he offered him a roll of paper:

"Read that!", he said. "Let's go, read quickly, otherwise I burn your brains!" Trembling, the crier started reading in an indistinct voice: "Congratulation to the population..."

"Louder!" exclaimed the White Devil.

"Congratulations to the population that refused to adjust taxes for the acquisition of lands belonging to him. That persists in their refusal! From this day, taxes will be abolished. Each will be repaid of the paid fines, of the stolen livestock. Confiscated possessions that were destroyed will either be given back or replaced. Fight against the ignoble Governor Alexis Alexandroff! Grant him no respite until he is replaced by an honest man! I will relieve you all of your misery and punish those who make you suffer! The ore of money won't pass any more borders of our province. My mates and I carry out the immediate execution of this order. By order of His Excellence, The White Devil"

Colonel Stanikoff and the Governor Alexis Alexandroff discussed these latest events. A country-wide search had yielded no result. Rebels had seized three loadings of money, but they remained untraceable. They even came to deride the Governor at his palace. He couldn't have found, the same morning, nailed by a dagger to the his armchair, a ticket saying,: "The White Devil wishes you greetings"! It was the height of irony...

"It is necessary to teach them a lesson which they will remember", said the Governor. "Take one village. Nearest to the point where the attacks took place. Burn everything! Take prisoners!"

In the night that followed this barbaric order, high flames rose under the sky. Houses burned. People fled, distraught, trying to save some clothes, their livestock, everything that could help them to live. The countess Olga and her mother saw from their windows the atrocious spectacle before which they were helpless. All of a sudden, they heard a knock on the door. It was the refugees, who came toward the only asylum of goodness, toward the asylum where they were sure to find women with compassionate hearts. Olga bade them enter and began to dress the injured and to make others a meal. During this time, two of men escaped the village to alert the White Devil. As they came to a clearing, they were surrounded by riders. Colonel Stanikoff was at their head.

"I know you two", he said to them, "What a happy meeting! Why do you head that way? Don't you want to answer? Very well! Arrest them and escort them to jail, to execute them! I believe I know where the others are... Let's go! Forward!"

Soldiers left at a gallop. When they arrived at the village, they alighted and surrounded the house of the Countess Olga. Stanikoff, knocking on the door with his horsewhip, asked the door be opened without delay. Inside, the poor women refugees, there with their children, and old men had half died of fear. Olga, alone, didn't lose her head. While soldiers drove down the door, she made them descend into the cellars of the house. Then, retiring by a hidden door, she bounded upon a horse and passed like a whirlwind before the sentry that, surprised, didn't have the time to even shoulder his rifle or pull the trigger. Riding like a man, in spite of her voluminous skirts, Olga, a magnificent rider, passed through the countryside. Wind made her hair float behind her, like a dark flag. Branches tore her in the face. Sometimes her horse escaped her touch , but one-handed, she maintained it right on the race. She reached the castle of Prince André soon. And, without taking the time to repair the mess of her toilette, she ran towards the young man's room. She was about to reach the door when John, still serious, cold and impeccable, emerged before her.

"Does Milady want something?"

"Wake up the prince without losing one instant."

"I regret, Milady, but his orders were strict. His Honor cannot be disturbed. There could be an earthquake, and my order would still be to let His Honor sleep."

"This order cannot apply! You can't ignore that I ..."

"I know you are Milady during the day, but during the night His Honor doesn't have relations, nor friends, nor fiancees ... nothing exists when he sleeps!"

"I pray of you, John, if I come to you in the heart of the night, it is because I am pushed by one serious reason."

"That Milady forgives me, but I prefer to be sent away for having executed orders rather than disobeying them."

The Countess Olga contemplated for a moment but without words to say to the servant bowed low before her, then, still silent, she made a U-turn and took the path away from his house, with despair in her heart. Her head dropped on her chest, tears rolling down her pale cheeks, when she seemed to hear shots coming closer. Calmly she headed towards a bush, that concealed her and permitted her to supervise the stage that took place below her on the road.

A detachment of soldiers of the governor Alexandroff was holding a line of rebels. During a long moment, it was impossible for her to clearly distinguish what happened. Confusion reigned and the dust raised by hooves of the horses and by the gunpowder prevented her from seeing well. Then, a sudden silence. From the group of riders she saw emerge the White Devil and heard his hot and energetic voice that gave orders so that one delivered up the men that the soldiers had taken prisoners. Then, regarding Colonel Stanikoff and another officer, he gave the order to push them forward and to lean them up against the cliff that overhung the road.

"Give me scissors, someone!", he yelled.

As if by magic, one pair of scissors was offered to him. So armed, he advanced toward the two men who watched him come, impotent, hands bound behind their backs.

"Remove their jackets", ordered the White Devil.

In a trice, the colonel and his aide-de-camp were in their shirts. The White Devil advanced toward Stanikoff and began with big strokes of the scissors to cut the beautiful beard of which he appeared to be so proud and that, in his opinion, had earned him numerous conquests.

Olga, amused, followed along the rise of the hillock where she had halted and alighted from her horse. All of a sudden, the horse neighed. The White Devil, who had cut off half of the beard of Colonel Stanikoff very pleasantly, turned around briskly and, in two steps, was at the girl's side.

"What brings you here, Olga Koutesoff "?

"Do you know me?"

"Go home and don't concern yourself with these things, that are solely the business of men."

The two young people looked at each other for a moment in silence. Olga felt attracted strangely by the White Devil. Ah, she wondered, if only my fiancé were as brave!

Helped by the White Devil, that looked at her with a strange sweetness, she put herself back in the saddle and, turning the bridle, took the path to her house, where the salute of poor people awaited her.

Back in the palace, Colonel Stanikoff, his tunic in shreds, his face decorated with a half-beard, told the Governor about his adventures. The latter listened to him impassively, with a hard look. He thought about reprisals that would make all the province quiver.

"Tell me, Colonel -- the hostages who have been delivered -- are they married?"

"I believe that they all are, Excellence."

"Give me their names."

The Colonel raised a list of all the suspects and gave it to the Governor, who browsed it. As he was reading he, he shuddered. "Colonel, why did you put in the name of the countess Olga?"

"I suspect that men had taken refuge with the Countess."

"Don't you have any proof ?"

"No, Excellence".

"It is well. I thank you. You can retire and go finish shaving. It will give you back your irresistible nature, my dear!"

During this conversation, Katoushka, the young and pretty dancer, had waited to enter the office that the colonel had left. When she saw that Alexis was alone, she came in, lightly, to snuggle up in his arms. So, the day of her unconsciousness, the Governor had said himself that this pretty child whom he held against him would be for him a pleasant diversion. He had not been mistaken: Katoushka lived secretly in the palace.

Curious, she searched among the scattered documents in the office, while prattling. "Oh! Does it say, " all of a sudden, striking a paper, "that is the list of your guests for the dance? Or the one of suspects "?

"The one of suspects, my dear ", answered Alexis Alexandroff. "Would you have any friends there, by chance?"

"I hate these people, " answered the young woman. " Oh, I see the countess's name! Does she therefore conspire? But, no, her name has been scratched! Would you be, by chance, in love with her? You know that I am jealous! Take guard, I am capable of..."

She was interrupted by a knock on the door and, fearing to be surprised in her negligee, ran away toward his apartments. Mikailoff, thick, puffed up, half bald, eyed her fleeing, man of all tasks and spy to the Governor, made his entrance and greeted his master.

Alexis Alexandroff offered him the list which remained in his office while telling him: " Give the necessary orders to the captain Pétéroff so that he immediately stops all these women and these children. Have him bring them back here." Mikailoff bowed and left to execute the received instructions.

The Governor, seated in his office and playing with a finely chiseled dagger, wondered. He wondered not about the woman that served him at present as a toy, but to the brunette, the proud Olga, who escaped every time that he tried to attract her in his nets. For once, the Governor's heart dominated his sense of reason - in his opinion - a nasty occurence, because he wondered if he was not in love with this woman who, visibly, was repulsed by him. "I will have her nevertheless!" said Alexis Alexandroff, while tossing the dagger among his papers.

Some hours later, the prince arrived at the home of Countess Olga and found her mother taking tea in the company of the governor Alexis Alexandroff. " What luck to meet you here!, cried the prince. " I was going exactly to repay your visit. Excellence, what happened last night is terrifying. I feel menaced. See what I received." While pronouncing these words, the prince pulled out of his pocket a paper, as well as a long and sharp dagger. "Listen to what someone has written me: 'André Midwani, your hour has sounded! ... It is not good to still be the friend of governors, and you will be hung at the top of your oaks!' It is signed, " The White Devil! To the devil with this White or Black Devil! He prevents me from sleeping, because he doesn't say when I must be hung! I have the impression that it will be soon, because he puts his threats quickly to execution. I don't like that at all!"

"Sleep alone, my dear," Alexis answered him. " He will be taken before he will have had the time to take you. In any case, before you die, do me the pleasure of attending the dance to-night."

"You will also come, countess", he added, while looking at Olga full of admiration. " I count on your presence and want to lead the cotillion with you. I apologize for the incidents of the other night, as well as for your broken door. The colonel Stanikoff also regrets the nocturnal visit to your home."

At this moment, Prince André turned around and, for the first time since his entrance into the lounge, saw Stanikoff. A Stanikoff shaven closely.

"How, are you, Colonel? I had not recognized you: excuse me for not having greeted you earlier. Bravo! You had the courage to make this red-haired shaggy bush disappear, the one which gave to the birds a desire to make their nest there! When will Your Excellence give us the joy of contemplating his face rid of all superfluous ornament?"

"I believe," answered the Governor in a glacial tone, "that you won't have this pleasure, prince, never, for this bandit will soon be executed for having dared to treat the colonel Stanikoff in such a manner!"

" Ah, it is he who served as barber", understood Prince André, who had great difficulty containing his seriousness. "Forgive me, I don't want to appear delighted at all, and have an excellent way for you to soothe your face. Permit me to send you a small bottle!" Stanikoff was furious and the Governor wondered how it was that, in all his life, he had never met anyone who was as useless and silly. As for Olga, she felt that her fiancé was no longer the man whom she had loved, and wondered if it were not better to break their engagement.

"I won't go to the dance, " she told her mother, when they were alone. "It is necessary, my child", answered her mother. "Remember your brother! If you don't yield to the Governor's invitation, it is Wassili who will suffer. It is necessary to go there."

"No and no!", exclaimed the countess Olga. And she left while slamming the door to take refuge in her room.

While arriving at the palace, the Governor was informed that a stranger waited for him. It was the professor Ilia, a special messenger sent to verify the output of the silver mines.

"When do you want to visit the mine?" Alexis Alexandroff asked him.

"As soon as possible, Excellence. Tomorrow, if you want. Will you give me an escort to cross the rebel infested zone?"

"Certainly", answered the Governor, " but here, anyone in a uniform is a provocation. And we have had business with men who know how to shoot and rarely miss their man. One of our detachments has just been attacked again. I believe it would be better for you to go there without escort, like a simple traveler. In this manner, you won't draw attention to yourself.

While waiting, accept my hospitality and do me the honor of attending the dance taking place to-night, where you will be able to find the prettiest women of the region."

" Oh, at my age, Excellence, even the devil makes himself scarce!"

"Professor, don't speak of the devil here! He has a bad reputation, and is not as white as one hears!"

While the orchestra got settled and a hundred candles were lit, while iridescent uniforms and crinoline dresses arrived, a heartrending event took place in the jail situated in the cellars of the palace. The women, children, and old men stopped the previous night were parked in a cell whose door was made of heavy iron bars. Occupants of the arched and humid place were tired and gloomy. They had not even the will to react, overwhelmed as they were by the misfortune that worked away at them. Sudden, one heard the screaming of a woman and the laughter of soldiers. Then the grid opened up brutally and a girl was launched inside and came to fall on the soil, her feathered hat falling over her nose. In one jump she was standing and started abusing the jailer copiously.

"That's enough, Princess!", he answered with thick laughter. "Bring in your claws and close them."

When he was gone, the girl, quitting her screaming and her game of anger, made a sign to her companions to approach. "Listen", she said to them, "I bring news. Your husbands are safe. They want to know what has become of you, and I have the means to send them a message. A friend of one of the officers will take it."

" But what if someone steals it?" one of the women objected.

"All that will happen is that they'll drive you to another jail ... did anyone interrogate you? No? Then, especially, whatever anyone asks you, don't answer anything! The lives of yours depends on it. Give me your letters. Tell me only where I must have them carried."

"To Nicolas Gringovitch. You know his house. It is the pharmacy."

"Yes, I know it."

"Liar!", exclaimed the woman. "Nicolas died ten years ago, and he was not the pharmacist, he worked in the factory! You are a spy!" At these words, the other women, furious, rushed at the girl and all was soon an indescribable melee. The soldiers, ran towards the screaming, and took pains to re-establish order. The screaming couldn't be heard in the dance hall, because the prisons were situated deeply under ground. The feast had begun and the countess Olga had not yet made her appearance. The Governor looked for her in vain.

Olga, who had resisted her mother's entreaties, was sitting at her dresser, when she saw a paper nailed to the table by a dagger. How had this paper arrived there? Mystery! She pulled the weapon and, heart beating, began to read. The message was thus: "Since you persist in involving yourself in things which don't concern you, involve yourself in a more useful appointment. Go to the dance. Be agreeable with the Governor. Make it so that at midnight he is in the lounge of Czars. The White Devil."

The effect was like magic. Olga called her maids to dress her and, a few moments later, with her sumptuous smile, no one could have guessed that under her satin bodice, her heart beat stormily.

Prince André led the cotillion. The spectacle was magical. The burst of lights and jewelry, uniforms decorated with precious stones, women in their glittering toilettes, all contributed to the success of the dance.

Discreetly, Mikailoff came to look for the professor to present to him the coachman who had to drive him the following day to the silver mines. During this time, the gracious faces of the cotillion followed each other. Prince André told them: "Walk around! Visit the palace!" At this order, couples, having as their lead the Governor, offering the hand to the countess Olga, passed through galleries, passing the professor, who found the spectacle charming, and by the intendant Mikailoff and the coachman. Dresses and uniforms moved away to the sound of an orchestra and soon, the cotillion having given up passing through the room to dance, the prince, free of his worldly liabilities, came to find the Governor and the professor who conversed in the office of His Excellence.

"Did you visit the palace, professor?", asked the prince.

"No, I didn't have the pleasure".

"Then, come. If His Excellence allows me, I will do the honors."

They retired, leaving Alexis alone and pensive. He was fairly nervous, waiting for important information. All of a sudden, the door opened violently and Katoushka rushed into the room. Her dress was in shreds, her hair was in a mess and the dancer's charming face was covered with scrapes. And there, on the tender skin, he saw the veinings of strokes.

"My love", exclaimed Alexis, " I am distressed! You are all bruised. Go quickly to dress."

"I knew", answered the young woman in a mad rage, "I knew that would not succeed! It was beautiful, your idea! And all you can find to tell me is, "Go dress", while you are going to return to the dance to court your countess! I also have a desire to go there! And in these clothes!"

Alexis Alexandroff only had the time to take her in his arms and carry her away toward his room. When he came back to the ballroom, the Governor remembered the prince and the professor, who had both taken holidays, the professor saying that he was very tired after so long a journey.

"I also am sleepy", said the prince, "and as I must wait for dawn to take back these ladies, permit me, Excellence, to sleep a little in one of your armchairs?"

"Do, my dear!"

And, while the prince got settled, the Governor returned to the dance, thinking: "This boy is decidedly a perfect dunce!"

Midnight approached. Olga remembered what had been asked of her: to attract the Governor to the room of Czars. All that remained was to make good her mission. Leaving her mother, she headed slowly toward a distant lounge. The Governor saw her and approached.

"Do you look for someone, countess?"

"No, Excellence. I look for something. I want to see the famous French clock. The prince spoke of it to me. Tell me, is it really an original?"

"So it is said. It is in the room of Czars. I will come with you there, if you permit it."

"I permit", answered Olga while accompanying her answer with a bewitching smile that awakened hopes in the heart of the Governor.

They arrived at the room of Czars. Olga admired the clock, that was, indeed, a strong beautiful work. As she bent to see it better, Alexis Alexandroff took her, covering her naked shoulders with kisses and looking to take her lips. Olga debated with herself, looked to escape his embrace. Sudden a hard voice made itself heard, ordering the Governor to raise his hands and especially not to move.

"You", said the White Devil, addressing himself to Olga, "leave and close the door carefully."

Olga, without losing one second, did what he commanded. When she was gone, the White Devil ordered the Governor to turn around, and when he was face-to-face with him, spread him on the ground with a full punch in the jaw. Then, without waiting, he disappeared by a hidden door, while the servants, alerted by the noise, hurried into the lounge where the lightheaded Governor was rising from his fall.

Although they searched the palace thoroughly, no one could find any trace of the White Devil. A window of the big lounge in which the prince was sleeping was wide open and a rope ladder hung there. But of the man, not of trace... one had the impression that he had disappeared by magic.

Prince André trembled with fright when told that, for the second time in as many days, the White Devil had made an appearance in the palace. He screamed for an escort, wanting not to risk encountering the bandit while going home, through the countryside.

Despising him, the Governor told him to take all the garrison he found sufficient to defend his precious person. To his surprise, the prince replied that this was not enough men and, some minutes later, he left, taking the countess Olga and her mother, after having sowed in the lounges a real panic. Some moments later, the prisoners were pushed out of their prison, to be transferred in a jail more strict. They were made to go up by car, and a handful of soldiers escorted them. It had been impossible to reinforce the guard, all of the men being used to escort Prince André. However, the Governor had given the order that a discreet surveillance be established, persuaded that it would see someone deliver him up to the White Devil, without even being aware.

From his window, Alexis Alexandroff saw the convoy of prisoners. He perceived how dangerous it was to let the convoy leave accompanied by only twenty soldiers. But, when he tried to intervene, the noise of horses' hooves covered his voice, and the women heaped in carts left toward their destiny.

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