If what I say resonates with you,
it's merely because we are both branches on the same tree.
W.B. Yeats

Coming Soon

So, why do I even have this section when I never bother to look at it after I get great ideas. *shrugs* C'uz all the really kewl Witches have one, THAT'S why. And I am totally K.E.W.L. Psh, yeah. My daughter keeps asking what it was like to go to school with the dinosaurs. At least that's nicer than what she says about her grandmother. Something about "Old" and "as dirt." At least she is smart enough not to say that in the presence of our veritable Matron, the child being rather fond of Yule gifts. Especially electronic ones that have the name "Nintendo" or "Playstation" on them. A teenager she may be, but stupid she is not. Makes me so proud. Scarcastic AND clever. Truely she is my child.

That being said, I'm gonna totally revamp the site. Flashing bling-bling and neon glow graphics, all to a pulsing techno/punk/goth beat.




And flying purple monkeys will dance out of my butt.

I'm working on the drop-down navation menu. Should take several weeks to finish. Curse these 500+ pages. *shakes fist*

The monkeys would'a been cool tho. :)

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Brightest of Blessings