Charm is a way of getting the answer yes without asking a clear question.
Albert Camus

Fantasy Art

I love art. In all its forms, shapes, colors, and incarnations. I especially love fantasy art. There is something about the unlimited use of the imagination that appeals to me. Don't get me wrong, I love Monet, El Greco, Michelangelo and the other great masters, but fantasy art appeals to our dreams and desires as much as the Sistine Chapel does. Below are some pictures I have picked up on the web. This page is graphic intensive, so expect longer loading times.

BorisI love Goddess pictures. The color and sight. Boris

Jonathon Earl Bowser

There is something so....overwhelming feminine....that makes you want to look up at the moon.


The Goddess is not just above us however...I see her in the wild ocean waves that the moon pulls upon also.

I don't know who drew this, but I like it

Boris Boris Boris

Hmm....all my sea Goddessess seem to be reaching for something...or someone....perhaps they are searching for their consort?

Boris Boris Boris

Strong, stolid, and the protector of the One we search for. Sigh....and one time in the

Great Wheel...her child.

Julie Bell

Some people quest for dragons...

Julie Bell Reclusive being...full of fire, magick, wisdom, and light... Julie Bell

Some people look for Unicorns... Julie Bell

The ancient symbol of purity.

Some believe in fairies and sprites... Boris Boris I don't know who drew this, but I like it

And me...look for mermaids.

Julie Bell

We all look for the magick within...and some of us are lucky enough to find it.

Julie Bell

This one I have included for my soul mate...

BorisLove ya Babe!!

And for those questing for more knowledge...the Sphinx.

BorisTo remind you that knowledge is POWER!!

May the Lady guard you in your travels....

Julie Bell

And my She grant you Wisdom

Julie Bell

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To flip through the pages of my BOS faster...


Brightest of Blessings