Tryout Tips

OK, tryouts are big, and ya gotta be ready!! Make sure you're not nervous because you can see it in your performance. If there are practices before the tryouts, make sure you have a good attitude and do the best you can there too because they are watching. Always make sure to stretch, and DON'T try any tumbling that you haven't done before. Stay tight and ALWAYS smile! Make sure your shirt is tucked in because judges like that! NO thumbs-up, and no woo-hoos!! Don't sing your cheers, yell from the diaphragm! Practice the try-out requirements such as dance, cheer, and chant more that jumps because they want to make sure you can learn things quickly. But still practice jumps some too because they are a big part of cheering! Don't quit after a mistake, get up and try again!! (They will give extra points!) I hope this has helped you! Good luck, and have fun!

Stuff To Bring To Tryouts

