

Hey! Well this is the 1st page of jumps! Jumps are VERY important for cheerleading. I hope you get a lot out of this page, because we give you a lot of form tips, and remember form over height!!

Toe Touch

This is probably the most popular jump of them all! Do your prep, try to jump as high as possible, and then swing your body into a middle split.


*Keep your back straight!

*Reach for your heels NOT your toes.

*I've heard that you are supposed to make your legs make a small circle backwards as you land, but it's no big deal!

*Try doing leg lifts to make them higher!


This is a fun and cute jump! Just do your prep, and swing one leg straight and one leg bent upwards.


*Make sure your knee is pointing down!

*You can use the touch down (shown) or the T position with your arms.


This jump is really fun! Do your prep, and swing one leg straight out in front of you, and the other bent behind you. Your ultimate goal on this jump is to make your front leg come to your head!


*Make sure your bent knee is pointing down!


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