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Chapter 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Chapter 1


Vicki Zhao~ A sweet and caring girl. She is very lovely, with the most beautiful large eyes anyone has ever seen! 18 years old. Has a boyfriend named Vincent. But she will have unexplainable feelings for some one that she is yet to meet!

Ruby Lin~ A pretty actress, but she is not at all stuck up. She will meet Vicki a little while later into the story and they become the best of friends. She and Nicky have been secretly dating, as they don’t want the media to find out about it.

Alec Su~ He runs into Vicki, a couple of times before she Made it big! Very Handsome, 19 years old (I’m just gonna make them all younger, for now). Has the hugest crush on Vicki, after he finds out her name. Currently a teen idol.

Nicky (Nicholas) Tse~ He is a 19 year old actor/ singer. Secretly going out with Ruby Lin ~grin~. Is Alec Su’s best friend.

Vincent~ Vicki’s boyfriend ~Ewww! ~. Doesn’t really like Vicki, just using her for her money at first, then her fame.

Additional Characters:

Theresa Chan~ Also a friend of Ruby, Nicky, Alec, and Vicki (later on in the story). Fiancé to Ekin Cheung.

Ekin Cheung~ Also a friend of Ruby, Nicky, Alec, and Vicki (later on in the story). Fiancé to Theresa Chan.

Stephen Zhao ~ Vicki’s Brother, Currently a member of Dragon-Town, a boy band that also includes: Jimmy Su, Benny Chen.

Jimmy Su~ Alec’s older brother, also in the band Dragon-Town (I know it sounds stupid but that all my mother could come with!).

Benny Chen~ Jimmy and Stephen’s best friend. Also in the band, Dragon town.

Vicki Zhao was trying to find her way around Shanghai; She was running to get a cab when she accidentally knocked someone over.

Vicki- Hey watch where you’re standing next time! (Vicki shouted)
Guy- Watch where I’m going?! You were the one who knocked ME over. (Said the man)

The guy that Vicki knocked over was wearing a long trench coat. A hat and a pair of extremely expensive sunglasses. Vicki didn’t get a good look at him, but the man was actually Alec Su, one of China’s teen Idols! All the girls would go crazy if they found out who he was. Vicki turned around, to justify her half of the incident.

Vicki- Well look here IDIOT! You were the one who ran into me! (Just as she lifted her head, the man said…..)
Guy- Vicki? Vicki Zhao? (The man asked)
Vicki got a good look at him and gasped!
Vicki- Alec! Alec Su? Oh my god, I’m so, so, sorry for running into you like that!
Alec- Shhhhhhh! Don’t let anybody hear you. I’m here in Shanghai for an audition. The media doesn’t know about this, so keep it down. How about you? What are you here for?

Vicki, feeling a little embarrassed for running into Alec, turned bright red. “Oh my god, I just called Alec, ALEC SU! An Idiot!” thought Vicki. “He’s still as cute as ever”. Vicki smiled to herself.
Vicki- Oh, I’m here for an audition, too. Can you tell me how to get to 31st and Main? ~Just made it up, I‘ve never been to Shanghai! ~
Alec- Oh yeah, I ‘m going there myself, why don’t we get cab and go there together? (Alec suggested, hoping that she would accept the offer)
Vicki- Sure! (She replied)

The two started to catch up on the years before. Both Alec and Vicki’s older brother were in the same boy band group, Dragon-Town (I know it’s a stupid name). They’ve met each other a couple of times through the years. Alec, looking at her dreamily, “She still looks as beautiful as she did the last time I saw her, with those big gorgeous eyes” thought Alec.

This was 2 years ago, Vicki is 16 and Alec is 17. They were visiting their brothers on the Dragon tour, as they called it (My dad gave me that last idea). Alec kept looking around backstage, just hoping to get a glimpse of Vicki, The beautiful girl he saw yesterday.
He was told that she was Stephen’s younger sister. “God she is beautiful, if only she were mine!” Thought Alec.
Just then she walked up to him and said:
Vicki- Hi I’m Vicki!
Alec- Alec, Alec Su. Jimmy’s younger brother.
There was a long pause, as they were just staring at each other.
Vicki- Well, I‘ll see you around. Bye! (Vicki said, gave a little smile and turned around)
Alec- Wait, Vicki! You wanna go have lunch with me or somethin’?
Alec asked, hoping that she won’t go away.
Vicki- Sure. Let’s go.
Alec- I'll just inform my bro and yours.

Alec had a great time talking to Vicki. They even came up with a prank to pull on the band. "That was one of the best summers of my life!" thought Alec. Even though now, he's become wuite famous in the entertainment business.
End Of Flashback!

Vicki- Alec? Alec! Hello! Alec, we’re here! (Vicki yelled at Alec)
Alec- Huh? Oh yeah we’re here.

Alec, just snapping out of a daydream, stepped out of the cab. You could tell that he was a little embarrassed.

Alec- How much? (He asked the driver)
Driver- $32.60 (Sorry, I don’t really know how much it costs)
Alec paid the driver and walked in the building, with Vicki.

Chapter 2

Vicki- So Alec, have you read over the Script yet?
Alec- Yeah, I personally think that it’s a fabulous story w/ a great plot, don’t you?
Vicki nodded in agreement.
Alec- So Vic, what part are you auditioning for?
Vicki- Xiao Yan Zi! I just think her personality is just, so, me!
Alec smiled back at her, amused by her cuteness.
Vicki- Alec, how ‘bout you? Who’re you going out for?
Vicki was hoping he would say “Yong Qi”, that way, if they actually got the part, they would play on-screen couples! Alec paused and then said, “ I’m trying out for Yong Qi” They both felt a bit awkward, to tell you the truth.
Ale was thinking the exact thing that Vicki was thinking. “If only we could be together, not just on the screen”.
Then Alec smiled that heart-breaking smile of his.
Vicki- What? Is there spinach in my teeth or somethin’?
Alec- Oh No, no. Come on lets walk in.

They walked in and noticed about 20 people sitting by the stage.

Director- What took you so long? Everyone else is already here! (The Director scolded the two young ones)
Alec & Vicki- Sorry.

They sat down, Alec turned around and saw two people that he recognized. “That looks like Nicky and Ruby!” He thought, “It is Nicky and Ruby!”
Alec- What are you 2 here for?
Ruby- Hi Alec, so you finally noticed us back here.
Nicky- Yeah, you were so busy staring at this girl next to you.

Vicki noticed Alec talking to 2 people behind them and turned around and gasped!
Vicki- Oh my god! (Vicki said like some star struck teenager)
Alec- Vicki, this is Ruby and Nicky, my two best friends!
Vicki- Of course I know who they are!
Alec- Ruby, Nicky, this is Vicki Zhao. She is Stephen’s sister!
Ruby- So this is the infamous Vicki! Alec was talking about you non-stop when he came back from the Dragon tour. It was always Vicki this and Vicki that. “Oh Vicki had the most beautiful large eyes. Vicki was so funny. Vicki is the most gorgeous girl I’ve ever met!” I swear, he talked about you as if you guys were engaged or something!
Vicki blushed.
Alec- Did you come here today just to harass me?
Ruby- Well, I’m just stating the facts!
Nicky- We’re here to audition for the parts of Erkang and Ziwei.
Alec- You are going to act as Ziwei. That would be so funny! (He teased Nicky)
Nicky- Ha Ha. You are so funny, Alec. (Nicky said sarcastically)
Vicki and Ruby giggled at they’re remarks.

The director walked up to the stage and said:
Director- Hello! Thank you everyone for coming today! I know that you have all read through the scripts and we will pick who can portray the characters the best .We will start the auditioning as soon as possible, right after I read off this list of directions.
The following people, who are auditioning for the part of Xiao Yan Zi are Vicki Zhao, Theresa Chen, Kristy Su and Kelly Shi. Please go to room 401.
The following people, who are auditioning for the part of Ziwei, are Ruby Lin, Jessica Hsu, Fan Bin Bin and Cecilia Cheung. Please go to room 402.
The following people, who are auditioning for the part of YongQi, are Alec Su, Daniel Cheung, and Louis Koo. Please go to room 403.
The following people, who are auditioning for the part of Er Kang, are Nicky Tse, Zhou Jie, and Ekin Chan. Please go to room 404.
After the auditions are through, we’ll have a 90-minute break. Then everyone come back to this auditorium and we will announce who got that parts!
After the Auditions

Vicki- I was so nervous, but everything went well once I got into character. How’d it go with you guys?
Ruby- Fine, I guess, I hope I get the part!
Alec- Same as usual.
Vicki- I sure you guys would get the parts that you want.
Vicki- Why don’t we go out to eat now? (Vicki suggested)
Everyone- Sure!

They chatted and ate happily throughout lunch. Ruby and Vicki were very compatible, they knew that they would become the best of friends.

As they were walking back to the auditorium Vicki’s cell phone rang.
Vicki- Hello?
Guy- Hey honey, can you come to my house for a second? I need you!
Alec heard this and walked briskly ahead of everyone.

Chapter 3

Vicki-Why do you want me to cook you lunch? (Vicki asked annoyed)
Vincent- Because I’m hungry and I don’t know how to cook!
Vicki-Then order out!
Vincent- But I don’t have any money left!
Vicki- So that’s what I am huh? Your wallet! Well look here, you gold digger! We’re through and I mean it this time! (Vicki hung up the phone and let out a big sigh of relief, she did not regret what she said just now, not one little bit)
Vicki- Finally, Vincent has been hangin’ on me for months now! We broke up 3 times but he just didn’t seem to get it. (Vicki said to Ruby)
Ruby- Well, my opinion is that you should go out with Alec instead. I mean, you guys make such a cute couple!
Vicki- Yeah. He’s so sweet and unbearably cute! Hey where are they anyways?
Ruby- Alec ran back to the auditorium after he heard that you were talking to your boyfriend.
Vicki- I should go and explain it to him.
Explanations & confessions

Nicky- Yo’ Alec, wait up! (Nicky called from behind as he was catching up to Alec)
Alec- Leave me alone! (He yelled back.)
Nicky- What’s the matter, man?
Alec- Nothing, just leave me alone! (Alec said annoyed.)
Nicky- It’s Vicki isn’t it? You’re jealous because she has a boyfriend already!
Alec- I’m not jealous! (Alec replied, but you can tell by his face that he wasn’t telling the truth)
Nicky- Liar
Alec- Well so what if I’m lying. She’s already taken.
Nicky- From my point of view, as long as she’s not married, she’s still vacant!
Alec- She’s not a parking lot! (Alec yelled back, with a look of disgust)
Nicky- I just meant that she is still available.
Alec was silent, trapped in his thoughts.
Nicky- If you really like her that much, then fight for her, man!
Alec (thinking)- Nicky’s right, if I really do like her, then I’ll woo her.

All of a sudden Alec ran back in the other direction. He caught Vicki halfway. They both stood there for a second, feeling sort of uncomfortable. Then Vicki broke the silence.

Vicki- Alec, I think that I should explain to you about that phone call just now. That was my ex-boyfriend, Vincent. He’s been sort of stalking me for the past 3 weeks. But I told him today for the last time, that we are through. And that if he keeps bothering me, I’ll file for a restraining order.

Alec’s face suddenly broke out into a smile. He felt better knowing that Vicki was single and that he had a better chance of making Vicki his official girlfriend. Both Ruby and Nicky could tell that there were sparks flying between Vicki and Alec.

Ruby (whispers to Nicky)- Don’t they make a cute couple?
Nicky nodded in agreement.
Nicky- But we would make a cuter couple. (He said, spontaneously)
Ruby’s face turned a nice tomato red. She looked down at the ground. Vicki noticed this and went over to tease Ruby and Nicky.
Vicki- Nicky, are you harassing poor Ruby over here?
Nicky- What? (He said, confused)
Vicki- Look at her, she looks so uncomfortable. What did you say?
Alec- Yeah, Nick. What did you say?
Nicky- Nothing, for god sake!

All four of them walked back together to the auditorium.

At the Auditorium:

Director- we’d like to thank all of you for coming today. Now the author of Huan Zhu Ge Ge, Qiong Yao, will be announcing who got which parts.

Everyone applauded for Qiong Yao, she was a very well known and respected writer in all of China. She went up to the microphone and took out her list.

Qiong Yao- First I would like to tell you that some of you might not get the part that you auditioned for, and some of you may not get a part at all. But no hard feelings. First for the part of Yong Qi, goes to Alec Sue Yu Peng. (Everyone clapped for him.) Next, the part of Erkang will go to Zhou Jie. (some people clapped for him.) Next, for the part of Zi Wei, goes to Ruby Lin Xin Ru! (Vicki clapped the loudest, Fan Bing Bing, looked away in disgust) We will like to add to new co-stars to the series, because we thought that these to actors/actresses are quite talented, for the parts of Fu Er Tai, and Jin Sou, goes to Nicky Tse and Fan Bing Bing! (people clapped for them respectfully) And last, but definitely not the least. For the part of Xiao Yan Zi, and this was hard for all of us to decide, but we agreed that she would fit the role perfectly. Give it up for Vicki Zhao Wei!

Vicki stared at nothing for a whole 3 minutes. Until Alec broke her trance.

Alec- Vicki, Vicki, are you OK?
Vicki, looking dumbfounded – Huh?
Alec- Auntie Qiong Yao just said that all the cast were going to have a meeting here tomorrow at 10:00 am.
Vicki- Well I hope you have fun with the show.
Alec- Don’t you remember, Auntie said that you got the job!
Vicki- I did?!
Alec- Yeah you did. Congratulations, Vicki. (And he gave her a peck on the cheek) Vicki blushed.
Vicki- Alec, we’re in public, what if the media started a rumor about us?
Alec- Let them!

Chapter 4

The next day at the studio:
Director- Today, we’ll just run through some main lines about the roles you all will be playing. First lets have Ziwei and Erkang, come up and read through the part where ErKang asks Ziwei to stay.

Ruby and Zhou Jie went up and said their lines, full of compassion and sensitivity.

Director- Next Ziwei and Jinsuo, right out side the palace.

Ruby stayed up there, and Fan Bing Bing walked up to the stage, giving an evil glare at Ruby. Which Vicki noticed straight away. “Why I oughta” thought Vicki. And every head turned her way, as she was about to rip her script into pieces.
Alec- Vicki, what are you doing?
Vicki- Huh? (looks down and her messed up script) oops, sorry!

Fan Bing Bing noticed this and smirked. Ruby and Bing Bing went through the script quickly and walked off the stage.

Director- Next, lets have Xiao Yan Zi and Yong Qi. Start from when Yong Qi reveals his love for her.

Alec and Vicki walked up to the stage and acted really well. You could tell that there was chemistry between the 2. When they walked off, people were clapping and saying that they make such a cute couple. Vicki was so embarrassed. Then Alec did the unimaginable; he put his arm around Vicki and said out loud.

Alec- Vicki, honey, we don’t have to hide it anymore.
Vicki- Alec, stop teasing me.

At a music studio in Tai Pei:
Jimmy- My bro, Alec, just got a lead role in the latest Qiong Yao series. He’s gonna play a prince! (He said, sarcastically)
Stephen- Yeah, Vicki said that she also got a lead role and is playing a fake Princess that falls in love with Alec.
Jimmy- Do you think that we should play a little matchmaker?
Stephen- Remember the Dragon tour, and how they kept flirting with each other but were too afraid to admit that they like each other?
Jimmy- Yeah, after the tour, all Alec talked about was Vicki this and Vicki that, for 2 months!
Stephen- Vicki was a little different, every time I said anything about Alec or anything that had to do with Alec, she would blush, I mean her face would turn crimson! Sometimes, she would even run to the nearest bathroom.
And the 2 started laughing and making fun of their younger siblings. Just then Benny walked in.
Benny- Yo’, what’s up guys. Were you guys mocking me?
Jimmy- No, we just thought that we should have another tour to promote our new album.
Benny- Sure, when?
Stephen- After, Alec and Vicki finish filming.
Benny- What did I just miss?

And the guys told him every detail, even the bathroom hiding. And they agreed in the end that the tour wouldn’t be so bad. And it would give Alec and Vicki an excuse to see each other after the tour.

Chapter 5

Training Camp
Sense they have to learn Wu gong for the Series, they had to go through a training process for 2 weeks.

Trainer- Everyone, as there is Wu gong in this series, many of you will just learn the basic kicks and stuff, also you’ll have to learn how to do summersaults in the air. But that won’t be hard sense you will have a harness attached to your hip at those scenes. I have heard that Zhou Jie and Alec will have some for important moves, since Alec will be catching Vicki a couple of times. (Some people giggled at the on screen couple, Vicki blushed and looked at Alec, who was enjoying the attention.) And Zhou Jie will also be fighting for the competition so I will teach him personally on those moves.

The rest of the days were fine.

Vicki (to Alec and Nicky)- Ruby is so lucky that she doesn’t have to go through al this!
My back is aching!
Alec- You’re now the only one, do you know how many times I have to catch you?
God, what do you eat? A pig for every meal?
Vicki- Are you saying I’m fat?
Alec- Yeah!
Vicki- Humph! (She turned away) That’s the last time I talk to you, Alec Sue Yu Peng!
Alec- Vicki, I was just joking. Really, Vicki, talk to me!
Vicki- Humph!
Alec- Vicki, talk to me! I was just joking. What can I do to make it up to you? I’ll take you out to dinner, is that OK?
Vicki- Maybe. (Then she turns around and started tickling Alec)
Vicki- Hey, Nicky! Bring Ruby along, too. Alec is paying tonight!
Alec- Huh? I’m not made of money, you know?
Vicki- Well it was your own fault for saying that I’m fat!
Alec- OK,OK!

The dinner went quite well, with Vicki and Ruby teasing the guys every second, but the guys where helpless. So they chitchatted and ate, then Nicky and Alec took Vicki and Ruby back to their apartment. Vicki and Ruby agreed to rent an apartment near the set, that way they could get there on time each day. Nicky and Alec did the same.

First Day of Filming:

Today was the first Day of filming, so Alec, Nicky, and Zhou Jie did not have to go to the set, as they don’t start until the day after tomorrow. But Alec and Jimmy thought that they would hang around to watch the girls. Ruby and Bing Bing came out in guy’s clothes and the boys couldn’t help but laugh.

Ruby- What are you guys laughing at?
Nicky- Have you girls noticed that you’re dressed up as a guy?
Bing Bing- I think that I look quite nice in these clothes. Don’t you, Alec?
Ruby- Back off, girl! Alec is Vicki’s! (Ruby yelled, trying to protect her best friend’s man) Alec blushed at that remark. Just them Vicki came out in an outfit that made her look like she’s pregnant!
Vicki- I don’t like these outfit’s very much.
Alec- You look beautiful, to me.
Vicki turned away and blushed. (Alec and Vicki blush a lot, don’t they?)
Nicky (in a whisper)- Flatterer!
Alec- Hey dude, just watch out for your own woman, OK?
Ruby- What did you just call me? (Getting a little annoyed)
Alec- Nothing.
Alec ran to Vicki and hid behind her.
Vicki- Alec, what the heck are you doing?
Nicky- Alec’s afraid of you, Ruby!
Alec- Am not!
Ruby- Are too!
Vicki- You guys, stop this child’s play right now! (Vicki yelled)
Alec- OK, only for you.
Nicky- Flatterer! (He said again, Alec simply ignored that comment)
Nicky- Well, well, well, Alec and Vicki sittin’ in a tree K-I-S-S-I-N-G!
Vicki- Nicky, you better enjoy your hair for now, ‘cause after Wednesday, you both will be bald for the next 4 months! (She retorted)
Nicky thought to himself “AHH! My beautiful hair!” (sob).

The day went quite well, but the guys couldn’t help but laugh when Ruby had to sit on Vicki’s head. So that was the first day.

Chapter 6

It was the third day of shooting, the day where the guys would shave their heads! The girls got to wear regular girls clothes, they stuck around just to see how the guys looked. Alec stepped out first.
Alec tried to cover his head with his hands but lets just say that he had really small hands!
Ruby and Vicki broke out into laughter.

Alec- What are you girls laughing at? Have some sympathy for me, I have to stay bald for the next 4 months! And they have to re-shave my head every day!
Bing Bing (who was also with the 2 girls said flirtatiously)- Alec, in my opinion, you look quite sexy!
She was about to caress his head when Ruby all of a sudden pulled her away and said (Again).
Ruby- Back off, girl! Alec is Vicki’s property, so you better watch your back, ‘cause Vicki has a fierce friend who would gladly like to rip the ugly face of yours off!

Bing Bing just snorted and walked away.
Ruby- Humph, I showed her!
Vicki- Ruby, you don’t have to be so aggressive.
Ruby- I was just looking out for you, everyone knows that Alec is your guy and you are his girl, so that bitch over there better wise up!

Vicki blushed at this comment. Alec had the biggest grin on his face, he like the fact that people thought that he was going out with Vicki and he thought that he might as well seize the moment to tease her. He walked over to Vicki, and put is arm around her waist.

Alec- What’s the matter, honey? Your face is all red, are you allergic to the make up or something?
Vicki- Alec stop playing! Look, everyone is starring at us!
Alec- So? Let them stare, sugar pie!
Vicki thought “Sugar Pie?”
Ruby and the bald Nicky were already laughing so hard that they had to hold their own stomachs from the pain.
Ruby- Nicky, help! I think that I am going to fall over, laughing!
Nicky- Me, too.
Vicki- Alright, now everyone shut up already! Especially you, Alec!
Alec put on an innocent face- What? What did I do?
Vicki- You started all this nonsense!
Alec- I was just horse playing.
Vicki- Well, that’s the last time I speak to you, Alec Su! ~Hey, that rhymes!~
Alec- You have to speak to me, we’re an onscreen couple remember? And hopefully an off-screen one, too.
Vicki walked way, sooooooo pissed!
Alec- Vicki, wait! I was only kidding! Honey, come back!
And Alec ran after Vicki, which looked quite pathetic.

At the studio:
Jimmy- So you guys still want to have a tour?
Stephen- Yeah, but after Alec and Vicki finish HZGG. So that they can come along and we can play matchmaker!
Benny- Hey, I heard that our record label is going to promote Vicki, they say that if she accepts it, she’ll record her debut album in the last month of the film shooting!
Stephen- Great. (He paused) I am a genius!
Jimmy- No, you’re not, you’re a retard!
Stephen- Shut up, Jimmy! I just got a great idea! What if Vicki, Alec, Ruby and Nicky perform with us for the tour. It can be sort of collaboration!
Benny- I agree!
Jimmy- I agree, too. But I just got another idea!
With that they all started talking about Jimmy’s plan to get Alec and Vicki together.

Chapter 7

Vicki was running away from Alec because of that comment he made about them being a couple. She ran outside the Studio when suddenly some one pulled over around and slammed her against the wall.
Guy- Vicki, honey, where have you been hiding these days? I missed you!
Vicki- Vincent, get your hands off me!
Vincent- But I love you, and you know you want me. (He said seductively)
Vicki- Get off me or I’m gonna scream!
Vincent- and what? Your boyfriend will come and save you?

And out of the blue, her knight in shining armor came and rescued her.

Alec- Vicki!
Vicki- Alec, help me! Get this big jackass off me!
Alec- What do you think you are doing?!
Vincent- Lay off pretty boy! Vicki’s mine
Alec kicked him and then punched in the nose. (He learned that from the training camp)
Vincent- You’ll pay for that!
And Vincent walked off, cussing at Alec under his breath.

Alec- Vicki, are you OK?
Vicki- Alec, I’m fine, god what a psycho!
Alec- are you sure you’re alright?
Vicki- I’m fine, Alec. Don’t worry about me.
They looked into each other’s eyes, their faces coming closer and closer to each other. Vicki thought, “Is he going to kiss me?” Vicki closed her eyes, and Alec was about to kiss her when they both heard a noise from a nearby bush, more of a sweet giggle. They both turned around and walked other, and who did they find behind the bush other that Ruby and Nicky!
Ruby- Hey, you two lovebirds!
Vicki- What were you two doing back there?
Nicky- Just studying the so called process of mating.
Alec- Nicky, I’m gonna kick your ass when we get back home!
With that, Alec began to chase Nicky around.
Over at the Record Company
Jimmy- So you have the song?
Producer- Yeah, it’s right here. (He said and showed him the folder)
Jimmy opened the folder and looked through the lyrics.
Jimmy- This is good!
Jimmy thought: I better show this to the guys. This will surely get Alec and Vicki fall for each other!
Jimmy walked over to where the guys were.
Jimmy- Benny, Stephan, I got the song! Look over the lyrics!
Jimmy handed it to Stephan and after Stephan looked over the lyrics quickly he handed it to Benny.
Jimmy- So what do you think of it?
Benny- It’s great! This plan of yours will surely work!
Stephan- Yeah! I agree.

They talked about it some more and made some more decisions on the tour.
Alec was still chasing Nicky, with the girls not so far behind him. Nicky ran franticly around trying to find a place to hide. He opened a few doors. The first door he opened was the janitor’s closet. It was so clustered up that there wasn’t any room for in there. Frustrated, he closed the door and went to the next one. He opened it and realized that it was Alec’s dressing room.
Nicky thought: No, this won’t do. He’d find me and also I can’t stand all the flowers and stuff. UGH!

Chapter 8

Nicky opened a 3rd door. He could see 2 figures in the room making out on a couch. He looked closer and saw that it was Zhou Jie and Fan Bing Bing! They were in a deep passionate kiss when Nicky bursted into the room!
Nicky- Oh My God! What the hell are you two doing?
Then Alec, Vicki, and Ruby all ran into the room!
Ruby-What the…
Alec- Seems like you’ve been busy, huh Zhou Jie?
Then the 4 of them all started to crack up.
Zhou Jie- GET OUT!!!
Alec- You can’t tell us what to do!
Zhou Jie- But this is my dressing room!
Vicki said dumbfoundedly- Oh Yeah!
They all went outside. A few minutes later, Zhou Jie and Bing Bing both came out of the room.
Bing Bing- You guys, please don’t tell anyone about this! Especially my mother!
Ruby- We won’t tell anyone as long as you 2 be nicer and more sociable! Agreed?
Zhou Jie and Bing Bing both nodded their heads.
The Next Day at the Zhao Mansion:
Ring Ring!!!
Vicki went to the kitchen table and opened her purse to the ringing sound of her cell phone.
Vicki- Hello?
Guy- Vicki? Hi this is Jonathan, Stephan’s producer, you still remember me?
Vicki- Of course! What can I do for you?
Jonathan- Well, there’s this new manager here searching for a miss Vicki Zhao Wei!
Vicki- Huh? What do you mean?
Jonathan- He wants to make you the next princess in the pop business!
Vicki- Oh my god! Are you serious?
Jonathan- Would I lie?
Vicki- Hmm, let me think! Hopefully NO! (She started jumping up and down in excitement)
Jonathan- Well can you meet us at the record studio at about 3pm this afternoon?
Vicki- Sure!
At the Studio:
Vicki- Hey Jonathan!
Jonathan walked over and next to him stood a man in about his 40’s.
Jonathan- Vicki, I would like to introduce to you, Mr. Henry Gong.
Vicki- Nice to meet you Mr. Gong!
Henry- Call me Henry! So this is the little miss Vicki that I have heard so many things about!
Vicki- Well they better be good things or I’m never talking to Jonathan again! (She joked)
Henry liked her immediately (like a daughter of course). But first he had to see if she could sing or not.
Henry- Vicki, I would like to hear you sing. Can you sing a song from HZGG for me?
Vicki- Sure!
Vicki started to sing “Dang”: Dang san fun mai you ling jiao da shi hou, dang he shui bu zhai lui….
Her voice was amazing. Henry new that she would become the next phenomenon in China. And he wanted her to sign the contract ASAP!
The next few days Vicki would go to the set in the morning until 3, then go over to the studio to record some songs for her debut album.

Chapter 9

One day when Vicki went to the studio to finish her last song, which has also gonna be her first single. The producer hasn’t told her what song she would be singing, so she had no clue what was going to happen today. As she was walking in, she saw Alec standing out side, apparently waiting for her.
Vicki- Hey Alec! What are you doing here?
Alec- Waiting for you!
Vicki- Why?
Alec- Hello? We’re gonna record the single today!
Vicki- What do you mean “we”?
Alec- Didn’t Henry or Stephan tell you?
Vicki- Huh? I’m totally confused! Let’s go in first. (She suggested)

Vicki- Henry! Alec just told me that we’re recording a single today, TOGETHER?
Henry- Alec! You blew the whole surprise!
Stephen- I knew that this wouldn’t work!
Vicki- What do you mean?
Alec- Yeah? Is my bro here?
Just then Jimmy walked in…
Jimmy- I see that everyone is here. So now I’ll explain to you what’s happening these two days. (He continued) I personally asked the producers to find a well-written duet song for you two to sing. And I see that Alec has already been informed about this. (Then he turned to Alec and Vicki and handed them the lyrics to the song) You two look over this and practice some; we’re not recording the song until tomorrow. Then after HZGG is over, we’ll be releasing the single and making a music video.
Vicki- WHAT! I have to sing with ALEC!
Alec- Hey, do I suck that much?
Vicki- Totally vice versa, I don’t know how I can sing with you, a total professional, as a duet partner!
Alec- Don’t worry, you’ll do fine. (He said, trying to comfort her)
Jimmy thought – My plan is working great, next thing you know, I’ll be calling Vicki my “Shao Shao”! *that’s sister in –law* (Then he just laughed out loud)
Everyone was looking at him with a bewildered look on their faces.
Alec- Dude, what are you laughing at?
Jimmy- Nothing! (And with that, he ran out of the room)
Alec and Vicki were still looking over the lyrics, and also heard the music in the background. They started to practice. Alec could not believe how good Vicki was. He was even a little intimidated!
As they sung (lyrics):
“Where you are”
Vicki: There are times,
I swear I know you’re here,
When I forget about my fears,
Feeling you my dear,
Watching over me,
And my hope seeks,
What the future will bring
When you wrap me in your wings
Chorus (A&V): And take me where you are!
Where you and I will breath together
Once again
We’ll be dancing in the moonlight
Just like we use to do
V: And you’ll be smiling back at me
Only then will I be free
When I can be
Where you are
Alec: And I can see your face
Your kiss I still can taste
Not a memory erased
Vicki: Oh, how I see your star
Shining down on me
And I’d do anything
(Vicki and Alec) If I can just
Be right there where you are
Where you and I will breath together
Once again
We’ll be dancing in the moonlight
Just like we used to do
And you’ll be smiling back at me
Only then will I be free
Then I will be free
So take me where you are!

Alec: and baby there are times
When selfishly
I wish that you were here with me
So I can wipe the tears from your eyes
And make you see
Every night while you are dreaming
I’m here to guard you from afar
Alec and Vicki: And any time I fell your love,
I close my eyes
And dream of where you aaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrreeeeeeeeeeeeee!
A: and we will breathe together, baby
V: Oh! And we’ll be dancing in the moonlight,
A&V: And you’ll be smiling back at me!
A: Only then will I be free
A&V: Then I will be free
Baby, I still believe
V: Oh, I’ve got to believe
A&V: I will touch you that sweet day,
That you take me there,
Whhhheeeeeeeeereeeeeeeeee you are
I still believe
V: oh I’ve got to believe
A&V: I will touch you that sweet day
A: Where you are, oh where are
V: Oh, I’ve got to believe
A: I will always be waiting here
A&V: Where you are! I still believe!
*This song was originally sung by Jessica Simpson and her real life BF, Nick Lachey (American singers)*

Everyone was amazed as their voiced blended together. They had PERFECT chemistry. Everyone just knew that this is only the start of their relationship, just the beginning of their ever lasting love!

Chapter 10

It was the third to last day on the set. Some people were feeling sad that they had to leave these people that they saw almost everyday. One of the last scenes that they had the kissing scene between XYZ and Yongqi. Both Vicki and Alec were very nervous about this kiss that they had to do. So they decided to talk before they had to actually shoot it.
Alec- Hey Vicki!
Vicki- Hi Alec!
Alec- So, about this scene, uh…(He was very nervous, even just to talk about it.)
Vicki- Alec, don’t worry about it. Just think about it as another scene. Let’s change the subject.
Alec- OK, who was your first kiss?
Vicki- This guy named Jason in the 11th grade. You?
Alec- Aren’t the flowers beautiful out here?
Vicki- Yeah! (She said, and then noticed the Alec had changed the subject) Alec! Don’t change the subject, I told you who my first kiss was, now you have to tell me yours. (She said, demandingly)
Alec- No really, look at the flowers, they are gorgeous!
Vicki- Alec!
Alec sighs- Vicki, to tell you the truth, I have never really had a first kiss, it was always a on-screen kiss. (He felt so embarrassed)
Vicki- What?! The famous Alec Su has never been kissed!
Alec- Not so loud! Sure just tell the whole world!
Vicki- Sorry.
Alec- It’s ok, I know that it’s weird for me to not have been kissed, and I mean when it really meant something, you know?
Vicki- Oh Alec, I’m so sorry for teasing you.
Alec- It’s ok, lets go in now.

They both walked in and forgot about the whole thing.
Filming time:
Yongqi- XYZ, slow down!
XYZ- No, you said that I’m not good enough for you , why don’t you go back to you beautiful Zai Lien? (She shouted back)
Then she jumped off, and Yongqi flew trying to stop her, they both rolled down about 4 feet then all of a sudden they stopped…
Director- CUT! Alec, Vicki what’s the matter, how come you two stopped rolling?
Alec- My stupid hair got stuck on a root!
He got himself untangled and they started filming again.
They rolled down together from the top of the hill, but then someone screamed.
Director- Cut! Ruby what’s wrong?
Ruby- some ants crawled in my salad!
Nicky- It was just a joke!
Ruby- You did this, I’m gonna whack you!
Nicky- Ruby, stop, they aren’t even real. I never knew that you were so scarred of insects!
Then Ruby started chasing Nicky around, using her purse to slap him across the face.
Nicky- Stop Ruby! Please stop! (He pleaded)
Alec and Vicki started laughing! They were clutching their stomachs. Then Vicki started to roll around in the grass.
Alec- Nicky’s *gasp* afraid *gasp* of *gasp* girls!!!!!!!
Nicky heard this and went over to Vicki.
Nicky- Hey Vicki, I can’t tell what you see in Alec!
Vicki- Shut up Nicky. Ruby, I think you can do way better than this dirt bag over here! (She joked)
Ruby- Yeah. Maybe I should start seeing some one else. (Also Joking)
Vicki- Hey, I heard that Edison Chan has a little crush on you!
Ruby- Who? Me or Nicky?
With that, everyone on the whole set started to laugh hysterically! Except Nicky.
Nicky- Ruby, are you calling your own boyfriend gay?
Ruby- What are you talking about? Haven’t you heard, I’m going out with Edison now!
Nicky- I’m gonna pound the snot out of that dickwad!

Then they re-did the scene.
XYZ- You said it yourself! I illeterate, stupid, a tomboy, I can’t do this. I can’t do that or…
Then Yongqi out of the blue kissed her to shut her up! They kept on kissing. They were suppose to stop after 3 seconds, but they just kept on going!
Director- CUT! Alec, Vicki, that’s enough! Hello?
Nicky- God, you guys! Get a room! This is disgusting!
Ruby- Hey Nicky, you never kissed me like that!
Nicky wanted to make a point so he just kissed her. They were just like Alec and Vicki, trapped in “Lovey-Dovey Land”.
Director- Hey Nicky, Ruby, I already have my hands full with these two(He pointed at Alec and Vicki) Everyone just stop it with the making out! Stop it! This is very inappropriate! Ugh! I can’t work with these people!
Then he just walked off the set. He told everyone to take a half an hour break, and that he was going to lunch.
I know, I said that I would update on Tuesday or Wednesday. But I just could not help myself but write. I think I’m catching the LilB bug. Dang that girl can write

Chapter 11

Kissing Scene part 2:<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />

30 minutes later the director came back to the set with 4 older looking women.

Women- What do you think that you are doing! (They yelled at the 4 youngsters)

R,V,N,A- Mom!

Mrs. Su- Alec Su, is this what you have been doing while I was gone? Making out with innocent lil’ Vicki?

Mrs. Tse- Nicky, your father is gonna here about this!

Nicky- No Mommy! Please don’t tell big papa!

Mrs. Tse grabbed Nicky by the ear and pulled him off the set, yelling angry threats of telling his father and how if she caught him making out with a girl again, that she would take away his beautiful Ferrari!

Mrs. Lin- Ruby, get your butt over here this minute!!!

Ruby- Yes Mother!

Mrs. Su and Mrs. Zhao were both bickering at Alec and Vicki.

Mrs. Su- Alec, if you liked Vicki why didn’t you just tell her! You didn’t have to seal it with a kiss! That is not how you were brought up! Who taught you how to kiss anyways? Was it Jimmy? (Then she called up Jimmy and started to interrogate him)

Alec- Mom! It wasn’t Jimmy!

Mrs. Zhao was a little more understanding.

Mrs. Zhao- Vicki honey, did your daddy just tell you about when a girl monkey meets a boy monkey and they start to like each other and…

Vicki- Mom! We learned about that in high school!

Mrs. Su and Mrs. Zhao walked off talking about how young people these days have no shame in what they do.  

The last day of filming:

Vicki- Yes! Today is the last day!

Alec- I’m gonna miss seeing all of you everyday!

Ruby- Me too! After this, Vicki and I are gonna have to move out of the apartment. I’m flying to Taiwan on the day after tomorrow to do a photo shoot for some magazine.

Nicky- I’m going to Singapore to promote my album.

Alec- Vicki and I are gonna start working on the music video for “Where you are”!

Ruby- Ohh! So we’re going to leave you two totally un-supervised!  Alec, you better not try anything on poor defenseless Vicki here!

Nicky- Vicki, always remember to carry your pepper spray in your purse. (He advised)

Vicki- You two shut up! For all we know, you guys might sneak off to some exotic island to do god knows what!

Ruby- With him? I don’t think so!

Nicky- What’s wrong with me? Just because I wear Tweedy bird boxers doesn’t I’m a retard!

Everyone laughed at Nicky’s joke and then realized how they were gonna miss everyone so dearly. That night the 4 of them went out to dinner together and had a terrific time, by the end of the night both of the girls were crying saying how much they would miss each other, they were both drunk. The guys had to carry them up the stairs to their apartment. Then put them to bed. They said their goodnights and left. At the doorway Nicky sighed and said: How I’m gonna miss Ruby!  Her wonderful smile, the way she feels in my arm. At least you get to see Vicki for a few more weeks!

Alec- What’s that suppose to mean?

Nicky- Come on, Alec! Everyone knows that you two are an item! And plus, you guys look so compatible!

Alec- Whatever man.

And they both left

Chapter 12

Alec and Vicki planned out everything for the music video, and then they presented the ideas to the producers. The idea was for Alec to see an image of Vicki everywhere, and vice versa for Vicki, and then in the end they are finally together. The producers really like it and went to set up for the music video immediately.


First day of shooting…

Today was the first day of shooting, Vicki was up first, and Alec would start shooting after lunch. Then tomorrow they would both shoot the last scene. The scene started out: 

Vicki played a young artist, she walked down the block and saw a picture of a guy in the window of a small shop, she starred at it for a second as if she recognized him, and then walked away with the feeling of de ja vu. She walked into the art store and was looking through the different colors of paint. Then she stopped, again, looking at a commercial on a TV near by. The same guy stared in it, she thought “ It’s as if I’ve known him for an eternity”. Then she went to an art gallery, looking at all the paintings, she stopped abruptly at a self-portrait of a man, the same man she has been seeing the whole day. 

Vicki was done for the day, she and Alec went out for lunch together. When they walked into a restaurant, fans crowed them. Alec was used to this but Vicki wasn’t. She looked at them all shocked and then remembered that Huan Zhu Ge Ge had just aired last week. Everyone was pushing around the two asking them for autographs and such. So hard that someone accidentally knocked Vicki over.

Alec was yelling and screaming (like a girl)- Vicki! Vicki! Are you ok? Talk to me!

Vicki was unconscious, Alec immediately took her to the hospital, the doctors said that it was only a minor injury that she was shocked and when someone knocked her on the head, she fainted. Vicki woke up after another half an hour, Alec was right by her side ~Of Course!~ and was reluctant to leave at first, but Vicki convinced him that she would be fine and that he had to finish shooting his part. So he left…


Back on the set:

Alec’s part was a little different:

Alec was the president of Su Enterprises, he hated his job, he walked out of his office glad that another day went by, walking slowly to his car he saw a picture on the ground of a beautiful girl with large expressive eyes, he felt as if he knew her. Then he thought that it was just paranoia and walked to his car. At home, he walked up the steps to his 2-bedroom condominium. He opened the door and walked out onto the balcony, he thought about how pathetic he was. He was a president of a major corporation, a good looking guy, there were girls hanging on him every second of the day, but he just couldn’t find that one true love. Then he saw a billboard form far away; it was the girl from the photo. He sighed and walked back in. Then the next day, he was on his way his office, he asked his secretary if there were any messages for him. She told him who called but he wasn’t paying attention to her, but was starring at the photo in the picture frame on her desk. Alec wondered what a small world it was…

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