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Usal Suspects

The film with the greatest twist in the world ever... No really, you won't see it coming

The Story

A boat gets attacked and the only witness tells his story. It goes through how he met a group of criminals to the realisation that it was orchestrated by a criminal mastermind. It is a very difficult plot to explain.

Stevie Says

If someone says "this film has a plot twist" I think of this film. It ruined "Sixth Sense"'s twist (Which I saw coming quicker than the bullet that killed Bruce at the start of the film). But this film is Kevin Spacey's finest hour... And I loved "American Beauty". The acting is without doubt great as well as the special effects.
The personal journey every character goes through moves the film along. It does not try to be too violent, it tries to be realistic.
As you watch this film you get the feeling that this sort of thing can happen in real life which adds to the tension.
This film is worth watching if you don't mind saying "Wait... I need to see this film again cause it makes no sense the first time round."
The more you watch this film the more you understand it.

Genre: Crime/ Thriller
Best Bit: The ending
Worst Bit: The fact you need to pay attention for almost three hours... But you'd want to.
Best Line: "The best lie the devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist."
Most annoying part of the film:
Stevie rating:****