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Love is Marvelous...

Well hello! The updateless wonder is back! With *gasp* another update! Now this is the one time ever I'm going to condone flames. I know, I know, you're all thinking "WHY?!?! WHAT THE HELL IS SHE THINKING?!?!" But hey, when I get flames, not only are they fun for you to read, they're fun for me to comment on. *sigh* My flames page is my pride and joy. So ya, if you have an oppinion then sure, tell me. Good or bad, stupid or smart. I'd love to hear it!

For all you new comers here, WELCOME! This is the one, the only (so far I've heard) Rika+Terada site on the net! Let me guess, first thought that came to your mind was "Eeew gross! He's like fifty!" or "Isn't that illegal?" Well I got two words for you: "It's CLAMP" HELLO! We're talking about clamp here, they've got no rules! But I do suggest that you take a look around, and read everything especially the "WHY" section, before you flame me. Also read the "Flames" section, not only is it funny (Or so i'm told) but it'll teach you how NOT to flame. Calling me bad names is NOT and I repeat: NOT gonna make me change anything on this site. Not a thing. So if your congenial or smart or make a good point with your flame (For example: The one about my spelling, I now spell-check my stuff) I may think long and hard about it and possibly make changes, like the spelling example I just gave you. You must think that I'm jumping the gun here. I mean who says your gonna flame me? Well for my sake I hope you don't but then I can't control your thoughts (Or can i mwahahahaa...joking) But this is different for some people. It's in our human nature to act negatively towards anything different, before we understand it. That's why I really would like it if you could read my stuff before flaming my ideas k? Now if you're not here to flame (Which I hope to GOD you're not) then enjoy your stay and have a little insight into I think the teeniest most insignificant couple in Card Captor Sakura, Rika and Terada.

NOTICE:: i've decided to set up like a time when i'm going to be on the chat room everyday or almost everyday, so like if you're wanting to talk to me i'll be in the chat room at 5:00pm central time that's winnipeg time by the way. so adjust your clocks or whatever and i hope to see you there! ::

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Rika Sasaki
Yoshiyuki Terada
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