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The Page of Doom!!!

Yes, you've stumbled upon Katherine's website. The last time I updated this was about eight months ago. Wow. Um...I am in college now, and have no time to eat, sleep, or bathe, let alone update a webpage. Ah, the perils of being an Art Major. I hope this page doesn't make you want to vomit.

About This Page
This page is basically here because I am bored. It's under construction, mostly because I never have time to sit down and breathe. In the future, this will have many pretty pictures and other separate sections, such as:
  • my friends and family
  • music
  • books
  • movies and tv, etc
  • games
  • artists and comics
  • possibly the semi-obligatory rant page
  • perhaps a handy-dandy how-to/advice page
  • maybe even a biography of sorts...
  • ooh! let's not forget pictures!
  • and of course, everyone's favorite section...links!
Yes, yes, I can see your utter excitement, even through your monitor. Actually, I realize no one really cares AT ALL about anything here, but I'm just really bored and my friends like to look at each other's pages, and so I am making this to add to the collection. Yes. I can tell you are enthralled.
Aside from the sections enumerated above, I started a "live journal" on June 14th, 2001. It's pretty pointless unless you care about a horribly maintained log of my daily life. Regardless of whether I think anyone cares or not, I started said silly journal, which can be found here. After using it for over a year, it's become almost addictive...even though I have no time to write in it. I think it might be interesting when I'm 80 or so to look back and read about my daily life as a child. Dorky, I know.
I started a Deadjournal as well. It can be found here. It actually *is* pretty pointless, unless I feel like making a vague, emotional rant.

My Friends
Because I think it would be nice, I am making a temporary friends section here. One day, I'll move it to the Friends Page. Until then, enjoy the following:

*David*, Erin, Amanda, Taryn, Cody, Michael, Nick, Andrew, Wendy,
Alena, Clayton, Tricia, Matt, Jared, Cammie, Jay, Andrew, Daniel

(In case you weren't sure, I tried to make each name have a link to it's respective website. Unfortunately, some don't have anything but a journal, and some don't have anything at all. Funfact: When you graduate from highschool and move away, you learn who your real friends are.)

A Few Interests, Hobbies, and Stuff
Because I don't have the other organized pages made yet, I thought a small run-down of my interests might, uh, interest somebody out there:
Shiney things, fantasy novels (sword of truth!!!), cheesy B-grade horror films, fantasy films, some other silly movies, RPG video games, anime, music (specific kinds will be outlined on another page), bettering myself by learning obscure talents, trying to speak French, creating pieces of (crappy) art, trooping around being a part of the goth squad (hee!), aspiring to have that cheesy band that I'm never gonna have, being bigger than everyone (sarcasm!), frightening people with insane babble (no, not really), making unneeded do-it-yourself home improvements with Erin, making uneeded changes to my hair and the hair of others, modifying clothing, wishing I could meet the Cure, pretending to be Robert Smith, lurkin' on AGF like a dork, wondering when i can actually get a job and earn some money, wondering why some people are so terrible...

Well, for now, that's all. Hopefully soon I will become bored again and this stupid little page will expand. Until then, if you have any comments (which I doubt) you can direct them to KATTYMOO@AOL.COM. Put something page related in the subject box, or I'll think its crap and delete it.

created: January 11th, 2000 | moved: June 2nd, 2001 | last updated: December 23rd, 2002.

this page is best viewed on some sort of monitor in conjunction with ocular nerves.

in case you were wondering, i wrote all this HTML out myself in notepad. i only have _very_ basic HTML knowledge, so this page is, and always will be, pretty bland, but at least everyone can look at it! also, i made the background myself. it was inspired by a webpage which is long since dead, but i did make it myself. if you want to use it, please ask first. please. and lastly, i'm sure that something on this site is copywrited by somebody, so if it is, i recognize said copywrite as theirs, not mine. that's really vague, but you get the idea.

this text is tiny and pink. isn't that great?

If you came all the way down here, I suppose you are special! Special people get to read the following message...
I'm an easily manipulated dork. I can't believe some things I've done. Oh well, at least I've quit being so horrible. I'm actually pleasant to be around sometimes. I'm still rather confused. David helps, though. That's good. Maybe, just maybe, I won't fuck things up with him, too, and I can be happy.