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Hey this is my "writings" page where you will find stuff writen by me that is changed every once in a while. Today I will read to you the first chapter of my Harry Potter fanfic(L). This page hasn't been vhanged in a while. That isn't because I have stopped writing, I find that after that beginning blast of ideas it gets kind of slow while waiting for Inspiration(in fact I didn't even have a plot or title 'till recently). I've written four chapters and hopefully this weekend and over spring break I will type up one or two of my newest chapters.

Diagon Alley
It was third year at Hogwarts, school of witchcraft and wizardry, and the memories of last years adventure was still impressed upon Sirius Black’s mind. It was two o’clock in the morning and the day before he was going to meet up with his closest friends in a wizard street called Diagon Alley. He sat covered up by his patchwork quilt on a frameless mattress in a small attic like room. This insomnia or whatever it was left him staring absent mindedly at his wand. Sirius might not have been a perfect match for James Potter, his best friend, in skill but his memorization far surpassed James’s. Memories swept through his brain like a time line. They continued to taunt him until 7:30 the next morning when his alarm went off abruptly in the morning. He rolled over and his feet landed against the floor with a thud. He changed into a T-shirt and shorts then walked drowsily into the kitchen. Mrs. Black had made bacon and egg sandwiches, not Sirius’s favorite but it sufficed. He ate his share and a little of his Dad’s then he went upstairs. There he changed again and got ready to go to meet his friends. When he had finished he marched downstairs and complained to his parents about how they take too long.
They used Floo Powder to travel, like many other wizards. Floo Powder came in little boxes that closely resembled a baking soda box. The powder itself was very fine and emerald green with sparkles; it actually was quite pretty. He got a pinch out of the box and hastily threw it into the fire before it slipped through his fingers. He boldly stepped into the roaring green flames and said,
“Diagon Alley.”
It felt as if the ground had disappeared beneath his feet and he was being pulled down into a chute. He quickly tucked his elbows in tightly and watched grate by grate go by. He reached the grate he was supposed to be in and another chute opened and he ricochet down it. This was not funny; he was totally out of control. The grate to the Leaky Cauldron appeared and Sirius sprawled out and landed flat on his belly onto the dirt floor. The occupants of the Leaky Cauldron were only distracted from their current doings for a second before going back to drinking whatever the heck they may be drinking. He pushed himself up from the floor and clambered to his feet. He ran to the big oak doors that led out of the pub and pushed it open. He was on a street full of ordinary muggles, non-wizards. He instead of walking toward them turned and walked to the back of the Leaky Cauldron. There was a stone wall behind the building. He tapped all the bricks with his wand not knowing which one to hit since he had not done this before. He hit a certain one with a large crack on it then a small hole began to expand from it, it would eventually expand to a huge archway but Sirius didn’t wait. As soon as it was big enough for him to squeeze through he dove straight through. He ran halfway down Diagon Alley then stopped one shop away from Florean Fortesque’s. He didn’t want James to know that he missed him that badly. Florean Fortesque’s was a small ice cream parlor with a large balcony. Five steps led up to a large porch where you could eat your ice cream under giant red and white umbrellas. He spotted James. He was reading a book, what about Sirius couldn't see yet, but all he could see was James’s unruly black hair, which was enough to identify him. Sirius smirked then walked quietly over to the table.
“Reading already James?” Asked Sirius, who was pleased at the affect of his sentence, James nearly jumped on top of the table. When he saw it was Sirius he chuckled.
“You gave me quite a fright, Sirius,” said James smiling.
“I quite noticed,” said Sirius. Their smiles grew wider and they embraced each other like brothers.
“Why, hello, do I know you?” Said a tall boy with light brown hair.
“Remus,” said James.
They all sat down at the table and ordered three mint chocolate ice creams while talking of their summers. They had hardly got in two minutes of talking before a voice parted the crowd like a mad bull.
“Sirius Richard Black!” Yelled Sirius’s mum. Sirius Groaned and turned in his chair to face his mother.
“What did I tell you about running off right after you got through the fire!” She said positively fuming.
“Sorry mum,” said Sirius looking at his feet as the black haired woman loomed over him like a squawking vulture.
“Someday when some…freak…kidnaps you, I’m not going to do a thing about it.” She said then stomped off.
“Awwwww…..Did ickle Sirius get into trouble?” said James trying to keep a straight face and horribly failing.
“Shut up,” Sirius snapped. They finished their ice creams and began walking. Sirius’s dad found him and handed him a sack of money for his school things.
“Wow, just think of what we could buy,” Said Remus.
“Yeah…uh…where’s James?” Sirius asked.
“I thought he was right behind us,” said Remus. They began searching for James and Remus finally stopped and signaled Sirius to come over. They both looked at each other, grinned, and shook their heads. James was at the window of Quality Quidditch Supplies with his nose pressed to the display glass, and his hands not far above, staring longingly onto the display inside. A new broom had come out and it was better than ever. It was deep purplish-blue and had glowing stars on it. A little card beside it read=
Acceleration=100mph Mileage=200,000,000,000 miles before worn
Price=57 Galleons and 99 sickles
“Wow,” said Sirius.
“Isn’t it great,” said James, but Remus wasn’t listening. He was watching someone across the street with a look of disgust on his face.
“Snape,” said Sirius venomously. James reluctantly tore his eyes away from the beautiful broomstick to look at Snape. Severus Snape was across the road talking to some other Slytherin goon. Sirius stepped forward but halfway across the road a little pudgy boy came waddling toward them saying
“James, Remus, Sirius!”
They all turned and looked at him. He was waving energetically. Snape turned to watch as well and his face transformed into pure loathing.
“Hi Peter,” said James and Remus cheerily.
“Hi,” said Sirius half-heartidly.
“What are you doing here?” Asked Snape as though it wasn’t obvious.
“Well, don’t you see it, we’re watching the seeds of love blossom before our very eyes,” Said James pointedly toward Snape and the monstrous Slytherin. Snape looked as if he were on the verge of a mass murder, his hands were twisted in odd angles, he seriously looked deranged. The other Slytherin hadn’t worked it out yet, good thing for James.
Sirius had burst out laughing and was doubled over. Snape started to advance on Sirius, pulling his wand out of his pocket as he did, but Remus was quicker and he jumped on top of Snape then Sirius looked up. The other Slytherin clambered into the fray and Sirius jumped on his back trying, unsuccessfully, to tackle him. Remus was punching every bit of Snape he could find and Sirius was getting cremed by the goon. James seemed to be doing some quick thinking.
“Ah! Petrificus Totalus,” all four of them froze and became very stiff. He performed the counter curse on Remus and Sirius. Remus only had a few bruises on his legs, but Sirius was in bad shape.
“Sorry Remus, I would have let you fight longer if Sirius wasn’t getting the shit beat out of him,” said James.
“I could have had him, James, ” said Sirius unconvicingly.
“Sure,” said Remus, “and pigs can fly.”
“Come on Peter,” said Remus and a scared looking Peter began walking along with them. They left the Slytherins helpless in the middle of the road. Sirius was having a hard time keeping up and was near collaspsing when Lily Abel ran into him head first, then the book she was reading hit him on the head. He groaned in pain and yelled out a terrible curse before fainting.
“Oh dear,” she said kneeling next to Sirius with the rest of them.
“Uh.. He’s out cold,” said Remus.
“Look what you’ve done to him!” James yelled, “were you not looking at all?”
“I’m so sorry, James,” she said in a pitiful tone that made James wish he hadn’t yelled. She pulled out her wand.
“I’m going to try and heal him,” she said. She tapped her wand on his chest three times and said,
Sirius twitched and his cuts healed and bruises disappeared. He suddenly sat up scaring them all then he coughed a little blood on Peter on accident.
“Woah, what a fall,” said James nervously.
“Yeah?” Said Sirius amused. “How long was I out?”
“A few minutes thanks to Lily,” said Remus.
He turned to look at lily and he smiled gratefully. She smile back weakly.
“Thanks Lily,” said Sirius.
“Well it’s getting dark and I’d better go and find my parents,” she left blushing furiously.
“She’s pretty,” said Sirius watching her go.
“Yeah,” said James.
They had known Lily before but never really noticed her that much.
“So, who’s looking forward to Hogsmeade?” said Remus.
All of them answered excitedly about the shops they wanted to go into except James who was still staring dreamily toward where Lily disappeared.

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