^^ ~ http://destined.to/emme ~ ^^

22/06/2002 00:50 - 00:52 GMT - Graduation Pictures
18/05/2003 19.09 - 19.30 GMT
25/04/2002 13:46 - 13:55 GMT
11/04/2002 13:36 - 13:55 GMT
10/04/2002 18:07 - 18:52 GMT

******** To all those that are looking for pictures...I'm waiting for yours!!! **********

**Sacred Stars**
(My friends under their own star sign..)

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- my own chat room...keke..

**Lil' Girlies page** - for my niece and lil' cousins..^^

**Phil's Page**

TO AsianAvenue Homepage - (erm...n/a atm)

^^ Thanks for visiting my page at Angelfire, its still underconstruction...but don't hesitate to tag my guestbook!! ^^

"Not mine own fears, nor the prophetic soul Of the wide world dreaming on things to come, Can yet the lease of my true love control, Supposed as forfeit to a confined doom. The mortal moon hath her eclipse endured And the sad augurs mock their own presage; Incertainties now crown themselves assured And peace proclaims olives of endless age. Now with the drops of this most balmy time My love looks fresh, and death to me subscribes, Since, spite of him, I'll live in this poor rhyme, While he insults o'er dull and speechless tribes: And thou in this shalt find thy monument, When tyrants' crests and tombs of brass are spent."


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