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Angel Hellbent

Angel Hellbent In Her Valkyrie Armor

Angel of Darkness Watch Over Me

Angel Raised by privateers (everyone else called them pirates), Angel wandered the lands as a mercenary fighting generally for the Vampires. She is proficient in almost every sharp edged weapon known to war. Her lithe and agile body is as deadly as it is beautiful. She was known as the Valkyrie after the Norse creatures that chose the dead of battle. Her dark eyes can convey a soft light of affection and mischievous delight or flash into a lethal sharp stare of cold focus. On her tight leather pants she always carries her rolled up bullwhip on her right thigh and a 10 inch dagger (a wedding gift from Max) on the left. Her dark brown hair is pulled into a ponytail in battle but is left natural when she is with her love. In the tavern, Angel is the model of sassy. Flirting, smiling and generally crude, Mrs. Hellbent doesn’t really care what others may think of her. She is quite capable of holding her own and isn’t above being unlady like to kick someone’s ass. The same woman known as the Valkyrie can be heard squealing with delight when Max (more than a foot taller and twice her weight) picks her up like a doll in his arms and spins her around. She delights in having him as a soulmate and loves him entirely. Angel met Max on the battlefield during one of the first vampiric wars. This particular time Max was fighting against the Vampires. They met on a warm romantic night in the woods. The moon was full and bright – and the only way that Max could have seen Angel before she could slit his throat. They battled for most of the night. Angel could dodge most of Max’s attacks but was amazed at how fast he moved for someone of his muscular bulk. Max was amazed at how gorgeous she was and would have gladly died in her arms if he missed blocking one of her vicious attacks. After hours of melee they staggered back away from each other in a clearing. Teeth bared like bloodied animals they took one more lunge at each other. After attacking each other viciously for the first half of the night, they attacked each other viciously in other ways for the rest of the night… Bacardi was born from their “war” and they married. Having retired from their professions of war, the battle seasoned veterans settled in to raise a family. Brandy was born 2 years later. While Max is at the forge, Angel dances at a club where she is also the bouncer and at the end of their days they usually meet up at the Mystic Tavern to share an end of the day shot of whiskey. At times their respective pasts come looking for them either in the form of bitter enemy or former ally looking for one more favor.

Hardware Designed By Max Hellbent, Loving Husband To Angel

"...and he would have gladly died in her arms..."
