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My Pre-Conception Journal

Monday, April 30,2001

I go to the perinatologist tomorrow at EVMS

and I don't know what she is going to tell me. Hope

it is good news, but I can't help but wonder. She is

going to tell me how my tests that she took went.

I'm praying now.

Tuesday, May 1,2001

Well I went today and she, Dr. DeViciana,

told me that my Thyroid functions are fine and it

wouldn't keep me from having more children but some

of the tests they did on my Thyroid showed it to be

elvated, not what I wanted to hear, I will probably

have problems with my Thyroid in the future and to

keep it in the back of my mind. The tests she did

for Auto Immune Disorders such as Lupus and Anit-

Phospholipid Syndrome showed something but it is not

pointing to what it is. I have a lot of symptoms of

Lupus and other Disorders and so she said it isn't

showing itself to good and that when I do have more

symptoms to tell my Primary Physician.

I haven't had my menstrual cycle since David

was born so she gave me Prevera the last time I went

to her and that was like in April 3rd and it never

came on so she is sending me to a Infertility doctor

I was going to go to one in Virginia Beach called

The Hope Center, but she is booked up until August,

so I'm going to go to the Jones Institute, she gave

me 2 options and those were my two. So I'm going

there on June 14th to see what they are going to do

about my period and hopefully she can help me con-

cieve, I wanted a woman this time and so I go back

to see Dr. DeViciana when I'm pregnant so she can

maintain my Hyperemesis Gravidarum so I can have a

healthy baby for my husband and I to love and raise.

Sunday, June 10, 2001

Today I feel sad, I miss David so much and

I'm sad because my body is so out of wack, I'm

afraid that someday I will be sick and that my time

of becoming a mother is running out. All I want is

to be a mother. I go to The Jones Institute on

Thursday and I can't wait to go to see what Dr.

Ballah is going to say. What if I have to have a

D&C and what I have to go through. I'm praying now

that everything is going to be alright.

Thursday, June 21, 2001(a week since my appt. had to get it together first)

I went to my appointment on the 14th, last Thursday,

and well they did an ultrasound on me after taking

information and talking with us, my lining in my

uterus is fine, but I have follicles or cysts on my

ovaries and so she said she will try to see if she

can get pass my cervix and was able too so I don't

have afterbirth in me still. She prescribed for me

to take for 5 days, Clomid, to start ovulating.

She told me that Clomid could cause me to have

multiple pregnancy. That would make me smile if it

happened. I take that for 5 days and then I will

come back on June 25th for another ultrasound to

check my LH Surge and then they will give us the go

ahead to have intercourse. Then after 17 days of

ultrasound then they will do a pregnancy tests on me

and we shall see from there. I go for a ultrasound

of my thyroid in a couple of days when I make it to

see what is with my thyroid and why it is so big. I

will give an update soon.

Thursday, June 25, 2001

Today I went back over to The Jones Institute

I still have not started my menstrual cycle, so he

is giving me Clomid again to take for 5 days like

before but 2 pills a day. Hopefully my folicles

(my eggs) will grow a little bit more with the Clo-

mid. One of my folicles is big but has to grow some-

more he said and then it should break free from my

ovary and be fertilized so I can become pregnant. It

is making me dizzy and well it is worth it. I take

it everyday and am in pain but I don't mind it at

all. I go back on July 2, 2001 for another ultra-

sound to see if my folicle's have grown.

July 2, 2001
I got some bad news today, which I believe is

bad news but it is disappointing news. I have been

very depressed lately but sleeping takes my mind off

of my sadness. I went today and he told me that my

folicles are small and they still need to grow some-

more. I just wish they would grow. He told David and

I that they don't want my menstrual cycle to come on

but just wants my folicles to grow and then they

will be big enough to release from my ovary so I can

become pregnant. I pray everyday for God to bless me

with a healthy baby to give birth to and bring home

to share in mine and David's love. I go back on Wed-

nesday, July 4th at 8:00a.m., early but we will be

there. If my folicles still haven't grown then they

will use maybe Prevara(but I already had that and

that is what caused this to happen in the first

place, to much Prevara). So he said maybe a stronger

dose of Clomid or something stronger to make them

grow. I think they want enough to grow to be ferti-

lize. Dr. DeViciena told me in May that I'm fertile,

they know that because I was pregnant with David

fine and then I have a lot of mucus that I keep

spitting out of my mouth, so she said that is a sign

that I'm fertile. Praying still everyday for God's

intervention and blessing.

The song that is playing is Angel by Sarah

Maclaulin, I decided to have this song playing on

this page because I'm now literally In the Arms of

The Angels. What an amazing thing to be in their

arms and to help me through this time. Trust in God

HE will pull you Through.