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Sisters of the Moon, Daughters of the Galaxy

By Star Lily and Celestial Galaxy

Authors Note:
This is a Fiction story written by fans of Sailor Moon (A Fan Fic.). We made up most of the personal aspects of this story. The characters themselves are made up (until after the distress call). The Galaxy family (the main characters in the story) have a special mind link that comes with being part of their species. We hope you enjoy our story! This story is currently "under construction" but please enjoy what is already written. By the way I just wanted to say that that there will be no inapropriate material in this fan fic. If I were to rate this fan fic it would be PG (for the kissing) at most but no more. I hope that you appreciate that because I know I do. I hate reading stories with inapropriate content, I would rather die than write my own.

My Expression is Writing

Stop da plague: END DA PLAGUE!

I would reccomend that you click on the little box on the right hand corner of the music provider so that you can have the music play the whole time you read. It proves to add a nice effect.

Thank you Lycentia for the great background. The other backgrounds come from a page that I forgot to bookmark and now cannot find. But thank you whoever made them!

Chapters and Important Links

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Star Lily's Site
Sailor Celest's Site- for Sailor Moon Fans
Lycentia's Sm Web Graphic Shop
