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Quotes I started to be an engineer, but I banged me thumb the first day. I became a drummer because it was the only thing I could do. But whenever I hear another drummer I know I'm not good. John learned me the song I sing. I can only play on the off beat because John can't keep up on the rhythm guitar. I'm not good on the technical things but I'm good with all the motions, swinging my head, like. That's because I love to dance but you can't do that on the drums.
Back in Liverpool, whenever Pete Best would get sick I would take over. Sometimes it was at lunch time. I remember once Neil got me out of bed and I had no kit. I got up on stage with only cymbals and gradually Pete's kit started arriving piece by piece.
To the wine waiter at the 21 in NYC

Ringo: Do you have any vintage Coca Cola?

After the show in the Washington Coliseum...

Ringo: Some of them even threw jelly babies in bags and they hurt like hailstones but they could have ripped me apart and I couldn't have cared less. What an audience! I could have played for them all night!

Beethoven figures in one of your songs. What do you think of Beethoven?

Ringo: He's great. Especially his poetry.

Do you believe in lunacy?

Ringo: Yeah; it's healty.

But aren't you embarrased be all the lunacy?

Ringo:No, it's crazy.

Ringo, why do you wear two rings on each hand?

Ringo: Because I can't fit them through my nose.

What do you think of Christine Keeler?

Ringo: She's a great comic.

Do you think it's wrong to set such a bad example to teenagers, smoking the way you do?

Ringo: It's better than being alcholics.

What started your practice of wearing four rings at once?

Ringo: Six got ot be too heavy.

Why do you think you get more fan mail than anyone else in the group?

Ringo: I dunno. I suppose it's because more people write me.

Do you date much?

Ringo: What are you doing tonight?

What do you miss most now that your fame prohibits your freedom?

Ringo: Going to the movies.

How do you like this welcome?

Ringo: So this is America. They all seem out of their minds.

Do you like fish and chips?

Ringo: Yes, but i like steak and chips better.

How tall are you?

Ringo: Two feet, nine inches.

How did you find America?

Ringo: We went to Greenland and made a left turn.

How do you keep your psychic balance?

Ringo: The important thing is not to get potty. There's four of us so, whenever one of us gets a little potty the other three bring him back to earth.

What do you think you've contributed to the musical field?

Ringo: Records.

How does it feel puttin on the whole world?

Ringo: We enjoy it.

Do you resent fans ripping up your sheets for souvenirs?

Ringo: No I don't mind. So long as I'm not in them while the ripping is going on.

Paul: I once knew a fellow on the Dingle who had two dad. He used to call them number one dad and two dad. Now apparently number one dad wasn't nice. He used to throw the boy on the fire- which can develope a lot of complexes in a young lad.

Ringo: I remember my uncle putting the red-hot poker on me, and that's no lie. He was trying to frighten me.

Paul: Tell me, Ringo, do all your relatives go around applying red-hot pokers to you?

John: It's the only way they can identify them.

Paul: You see, Ringo comes from a depressed area.

John: Some people call it the slums.

Ringo: No, the slums are further.

I'd like to end up sort of unfotgettable.
Ringo: I don't like talking. It's how I'm built. Some people gab all day and some people play it smogo. I don't mind taling of smiling. It's just I don't do it very much. I havn't got a smiling face or a talking mouth.
What do you have to say to people who think you're just a bunch of English Elvis'?

Ringo: [imitating Elvis' dancing] it's not true! it's not true!

Do you like topless bathing suites?

Ringo: We've been wearing them for years.

Why don't you like Donald Duck?

Ringo: I could never understand him.

What about your future?

Ringo: None of us has quite grasped what it is all about yet. It's washing over our heads like a huge tidal wave. But we're young. Youth is on our side. And it's youth that matters right now. I don't care about politics, just people.

What did you think of Miami?

Ringo: The sun. I dind't know what it meant until I got there. But I am breathtaken to be back in England.

Were you worried about the oversized roughnecks who tried to infiltrate the airport crown on your arrival?

Ringo: That was us.

Brian Epstein: That was quite a nice aircraft we flew back on.

Ringo: Let's buy it!

Do you care what the public thinks about your private lives?

Ringo: There's a woman in the United States who predicted the plane we were travelling on would crash. Now a lot of people would like to think we were scared into saying a prayer. What we did actually- we drank.

Wold you ever accept a girl in your group if she could sing, play an instrument and wear the Beatle haircut?

Ringo: How tall is she?

Beatle-licensed products have grossed millions and millions of dollars in America alone- Beatle wigs, Beatle hats, Beatle T-Shirts, Beatle egg-cups, Beatlenut ice-cream...

Ringo: Anytime you spell Beatle with and "a" in it, we get some money.

Ringo, how do you manage to find all those parties?

Ringo: I don't know. I just end up at them.

Paul: On tour we don't go out much. Ringo's always out though.

John: Ringo freelances.

Do you get much fan mail?

Ringo: We get 2,000 letters a day.

What is your favourite food?

Ringo: I'm hung up on hamburgers.

How do you feel about the invasion of your privacy all the time?

Ringo: The only time it bothers us is when they get us to the floor and really mangle us.

What careers would you individually have chosen had you not become entertainers?

Ringo: A haridresser.

Who in the world would the Beatles like to meet more than anyone else?

Ringo: The real Santa Claus.

Do you have any special messages for the Prime Minister and your parents?

Ringo: Hello, fellas.

Sorry to interrupt you while you are eating but what do you think you will be doing in finve years time when all this is over?

Ringo: Still eating.

How come the Beatles, rather than 200 other groups, clicked?

Ringo: Sometimes I try to figure that out too.

What do you do with your money?

Ringo: We burry it.

What do you plan to do after this?

Ringo: What else is there to do?

Where did you ger your hairstyle?

Paul: From Napolen. And Julius Ceaser too. We cut it anytime we feel like it.

Ringo: We may do it now.

Are you going to get haircuts over in America?

Ringo: What d'you mean? We got them yesterday.

What is the biggest thret to your careers, the atom bomb or dandruff?

Ringo: The atom bobm. We've already got dandruff.

When are you starting your next movie?

Paul: In Febuaray.

George: We have no story for it yet.

Ringo: We have no story for it yet.

John: We have no actors for it yet.

Ringo, what do you think getting together with George and Paul to work on new Beatle releases would be like?

Ringo: It would be joyous.

Life is Life... this was just a record.

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