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Welcome to the Fan Fiction page! Only the best of the best fan fictions are listed here!

Comments in italic font are from the webmaster. All the fan fictions listed here are G-RATED (Unless otherwise posted. Nothing more than PG-RATED will be listed on the site).

We'll get new chapters up as soon as we get them from the Authors!

"Run For Your Life" By Sara McCartney.

Cindi Barnard falls in love with Ringo Starr. Only problem, she's dating John Lennon!

*This is me favourite Fan Fiction on the 'net! Five STARRS out of five!*

"All You Need Is Loev" By Ashley.

Ringo asks his girlfriend to go to Germany with him. Will she go? Will everything turn out alright?

*This is a teriffic fan fiction! You'll want to read it a second time!*

"One Chance" By Lisa.

A great story about Ringo and his girlfriend!

*This story is just what every girl dreams of! Great job putting it down on paper, Lisa!*

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