The Calm Before the Storm!

Karaoke At The E-Club

March 1999. This is where me and my friends spent every other Friday. We used to go there and sing karaoke all the time. It also played good dance music inbetween the singers. This was the hot spot where you could usually find a lot of cute single airmen to hook up with...hehehe! This is Kristin, me, Kim, Amanda, Tasha, Cory, and Keith.
Pinnacle Mountain

March 1999. The wonderfully gigantic (hehehe) mountain in Arkansas...Pinnacle Mountain. This is Zack, Rocky, Rob, Chris, Kim, Cory, Tasha, Misty, and myself. It was an interesting day...Tasha and Misty's kids almost fell off the mountain...and Kim almost hyperventilated to death...because she was soooo, afraid of the big, scary about a need for attention...
Club 616

May 1999. This is me and Amanda stading outside of the former Club 616 in Memphis, Tennessee. Don't I just look so damn cute in my Scooby Doo!