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Cinderena: A Fairy Tale of the Stars


Chapter 1- A Silent Prayer


by Umi


January 2002


Disclaimer: Rena, Indalecio, and all Star Ocean: The Second Story characters belong to Enix and Tri-Ace, not me!  I'm not making any money out of this!


Cinderella belongs to Disney, not me, as I am adapting Disney's version of the classic fairy tale! Once again, I'm not making any money from this!


Note: This is an Alternate Universe fanfic. I have inserted the characters of Star Ocean 2 into a fairy tale, and have altered the plot, relationships, and characters to fit the fairy tale! There will be some spoilers about the game, mostly concerning who the characters are!


The song lyrics that I am using throughout this fan fiction series are the translated lyrics of "Hearts," sung by Saori Nishihata. It's the cute ending song of Star Ocean EX, the Star Ocean 2 anime! 



Rays of sunlight streamed into the small, cozy room, placing a sweet glow to the various stuffed dolls and trinkets adorning the bookshelves and the wooden cabinet. A teenage girl yawned and stretched languidly as she slowly opened her eyes, letting them adjust to the light. She quickly jumped out of bed and made the rose-colored sheets, unusually eager to begin the day. Normally, even if her step-father's deep, booming voice constantly continued ordering her to wake up, Rena would just lie in bed, trying desperately to ignore him and delay the inevitable start of the day...


However, today was different. Her lips curved into a soft smile. She had been waiting and waiting for this day to arrive. She had been picturing this day in her mind for weeks, dreaming about what wonderful things could come out of it...


Today she was turning 18.


She was becoming an adult.


A soft sigh. Well, I think I am, anyway... Maybe for once I won't have to blindly follow my step-father's orders, almost like a slave... Maybe for once I can make my own decisions, make my own choices about what I want in my life... Maybe for once I can just be myself, the real me, not the responsible girl who devotes herself only to her work...


Maybe for once I can be happy...


I can be free... 


A familiar melody rang in her head, and she began singing the words to the song that she loved so much.


"Heart to heart. Press the switch within your heart..."


Rena walked over to the nearby window and opened it, allowing a strong breeze to enter her room. She sighed as she felt the cool wind on her face and in her hair, relishing its soft touch.


"And shake off your tears, even though the passing breeze makes you feel sad."


Sapphire eyes became cloudy with the threat of tears.


Rena stopped singing and instead peered out of the window. She could see the stream that ran through the small, quaint village of Arlia, her home. She could see a few of the many shops and houses that filled the heart of the town, and, in the distance, she could faintly make out where the Shingo Forest was.


She grinned. That's right, I'm meeting Noel in the Shingo Forest again tonight... He said that he had a surprise for me... Maybe a gift for my Birthday? Hmm...


Her thoughts were interrupted by a loud knock on her door.


Rena frowned, but politely said, "Who is it?"


"Get down here. Your step-sisters are hungry, and you have been indulging in your 'precious' sleep for long enough. Make them their breakfast," Indalecio answered, his voice frostily fierce.


Rena winced as she heard the stomping of her step-father's feet as he barged down the stairs. Sighing, she took off her pearl white nightgown and slipped into her frayed tan shirt and long chestnut brown skirt. She tied a black bandanna over her head, carefully covering her crescent moon hair clip. Sometimes she wondered why she did that, but somehow, it just felt right...


Sighing once again, Rena was ready to make her way down the steps to the kitchen to prepare breakfast. She took one last look through the window and shut it, locking it tight. Just as she left her room, a beautiful cerulean bird flew right by the window, flapping its wings gracefully as it soared through the sky.



"Thanks soo much for the delicious breakfast Rena!" The young girl grinned.


"Ah, you're welcome, Precis." Rena smiled softly.


"You are such a great cook, sis!" Precis turned her head to face the young woman sitting in the chair on her right, her ponytail swishing around her as she did so. "Don't you think that Rena's a great chef sis?"


The redhead smiled as she spoke, "Yes, that's true. In fact..." She leaned closer to Rena. "You could make a lot of money as a chef! You could start your own little restaurant in Arlia, and everyone in town would eat there!" Her bluish gray eyes shone as she continued to speak excitedly, "And if you get famous enough, you could start your own chain of restaurants, and place them all around Expel!"


Rena blushed as she responded, "Thanks for the compliment Chisato, but I'm not that good at cooking." Yeah, the only reason I'm any good at all is because I've been making our meals ever since I can remember... Rena looked down at her hands clasped together on her legs.


"Besides, how could Rena open up more than one restaurant? There isn't more than one of her! How could she be a chef for all of them?" Precis peered at Chisato with wide green eyes.


Chisato grinned, ran a hand through her short red locks, and snapped her fingers dramatically. "Oh, but you just don't have any imagination! She doesn't have to work in all of them, because they will all be her restaurants! She'd hire chefs, waiters and waitresses, and all the workers she'd need for each restaurant, and she'd give them her recipes so that they could cook such great food like she does! Don't you see? It'll be fantastic!" She leaned closer to Rena again, and smiled cockily. "And, my dearest sister will gladly hire me as her accountant... and she'd kindly give me a percent of the profit..."


Rena and Precis couldn't help but think that Chisato's eyes were very close to filling with dollar signs.


Precis giggled adorably, and then stood up. "I guess I'll be going now! I'm going to meet some friends today!"


"Have fun, Precis," Rena said.


"Yeah, but try not to get into too much trouble, okay sis?" Chisato grinned evilly.


"Hehe, I'll try!" As she turned to leave, Precis' elbow knocked over a pitcher of orange juice, spilling it all over the dinner table and the wooden floor. "Oh nooo!" Precis looked at the mess, her eyes wide with horror.


"Oh dear..." Chisato suddenly stood up as she saw some of the orange liquid flowing towards her side of the table.


"I'm so sorry Rena! I'm so, so sorry!" Tears began to well up in Precis' eyes.


Rena smiled softly as she reassured her step-sister, "That's all right, Precis. I'll clean it up, don't worry. It's no trouble for me."


Sniffing, Precis nodded. "Thanks a lot, Rena." She left the house, waving goodbye.


"Yeah, thanks, Rena. I would help out, but I've got to be at my flower arrangement store in 15 minutes. I can't be late for my shift, I'm sorry," Chisato added.


"It's ok, Chisato." I'm always cleaning up after everyone else's messes anyway... Rena grabbed a mop from the closet and began to soak it in orange juice.


"Oh, and Rena?" The young redhead turned to the other girl. "Could you please finish making those two flower arrangements from yesterday? I would, but I'm falling behind at work, and I could use a little help..."


"No problem, Chisato. I'll finish them today so that you can give them to your customers." Rena smiled again.


"Thanks a lot! I'm just so behind in orders, and I've been trying to hire some more help, and..." Chisato's voice trailed off as she left the room.


Sighing, Rena continued to mop the floor, humming her favorite song as she did so. Her thoughts wandered, as they so often did while she was during chores, to exciting adventures, courageous heroes and heroines, magical enchantment, true loves...


Things only heard of in fairy tales.


I know that, but... A girl can't help but dream anyway...


Her creative mind buzzed with activity, conjuring up delightful fantasies that she would put in words later. Writing stories was a secret love of hers, and, along with writing in her journal, it was one of the things that helped her escape from the monotony of her reality.


Who knows? Maybe some day I'll find a way to escape on my own...




Rena looked up at the voice.


Cold eyes gazed down at where the teenager was on her knees, scrubbing at especially dirty spots of the floor with a damp rag. "I have more assignments for you to finish. First, I want you to mend some clothing garments." He motioned towards a colossal pile of clothes in the corner of the room. "Next, you will dust all of the books in my study room. Make sure that you don't touch anything else but them. Lastly, you must scrub the bathroom floors."


"Yes, sir," Rena acquiesced, keeping her gaze on the ground.


"That will be all. I'm going to work. Make sure that dinner is prepared for the girls and me when I get back." With a slamming of the front door, Indalecio was gone.


A loud sigh. So much work… Why can’t I have a normal life, like Precis, who is off playing with some friends, or Chisato, who is running her own successful flower shop?


What did I do to deserve this?


Why does Indalecio hate me so?




A sudden thought hit Rena. I wonder if I'll have enough time to see Noel... I don't want to cancel on him...




I don't even have a means to contact him. He might wait for me for a long time before I come... or maybe I won't even be able to make it, and he would have waited for nothing.


I really want to see you, Noel.


It would make this day special...


Rena brought a hand to her face, futilely trying to wipe away the tears.


~To be continued…~



Author’s Note: So, what did you think? Did you like Rena’s not-so-evil step-sisters? ^_- 


I hope you liked it! I'm also planning to write the following fairy tales as well:


* "Aladdin: A Fairy Tale Fantasy" starring Zidane and Garnet from FF9


* "The Little Mermaid: A Fairy Tale Fantasy" starring Tidus and Yuna from FF10