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Welcome to DR_MAD2000 and Wyzard®'s character page,
these are for msn chat.

Wyzard®'s characters:

Click here to visit
my chatacters page.

DR_MAD'S characters:

just click the animation





Hi welcome to our page im DR_MAD2000 and my friend is wyzard® you can find us both on msn chat we have decided to make this character page because ................. because ................... because............. im not sure why but sence your here you might as well have fun and check out this site .. thank's for comming :) .

More stuff you can find on our page:

What?!?! you say you don't have color chat

Click Here

"O" So you want to make you own characters too fine just

Click Here


Clik here to see the stick dood's

click here to go to jodee and te§§a's page

click here to die from a seizure

You can use anything you find here, but please include a link to my web page.