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Idea Sharing -- Profit Sharing

site last updated: Feb 27, 2001

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H i, welcome to my land of opportunities and ideas. I tried to minimise download time for this site, hence no fancy graphics and animations. However, I promise your gain from exploring this humble site shall justify more than the precious time you spent here.

Say, for example, I am of most grateful to share with you THIS:

My outer world
My inner world
Critical points about money
Inviting E-commerce partners
My favorite picks in Equity Market

I hope you will take this opportunity as a turning point in your life time after you've visited the first link: a marvelous starting point for a web presence and may be an opportunity to join us as well!. Give me a call or e-mail me. Together we build this city on faith and sincerity.

I am frequently refining my website for more good money saving and money making opportunites (as well as some brain boggling stuff). So, please make sure you stay tune. Last but not least, thank you for your time. I will be most grateful to hear from you via e-mail.

Happy living!

As ever,

Joseph Ngu