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My name is Star....
Well actually it is really Morningstar, but I like going by Star. I had so much fun walking with you in the other garden, that I decided to add another one............

This one will be a bit different, for we will learn what the meaning is for a flower and what the color of the flower represents................

My Mother owns a floral store, and she has shown me so many beautiful flowers. She explained how each flower has a meaning behind it. Also that the colors have a meaning. So, if you want to say something special to someone. You would order a design, by the color of your thoughts and the flower to help express your thoughts.............


I thought that was so exciting!.........
I have found two artists that I dearly Love, and will be sharing them with you.

One is Cicely My Barker who published her first book of Flower Fairies in 1923! The poems in this stroll are written my Miss Barker!

The other artist I have just found and I have fallen in love with her work as well.

Amy Brown! She was born in Washington 1972. She has created such breath taking work in such a short time. I will have a banner at the end so that you will be able to go straight to her web sight and enjoy.

So, in this stroll through the garden you will see some breath taking pictures.

I have also been reading about herbs and what they can do, so I am thinking about adding them in here also. I hope that you enjoy your stay with me and my new friend Cpt.Blood! ...

My caterpillar friend!


Thats not Cpt.Blood who has sailed the seven seas.....

This is Capt.Cutlass!

You have met him before. He was my very first special friend, and will always be. But......I would like for you to meet the Cpt.Blood...... For he is really different! He has actually sailed the seven seas!........I did not know that caterpillars liked to sail!.........

Now I wonder where Cpt.Blood has gone to?


Oh! I sure do hope that Cpt. Blood has not gone out to sea once again.

I have so much to share and show you about flowers, so I guess that we might as well start....

He is so Neat!

Let us open the fence!

Now if you see Cpt.Blood, please let me know, for I have a special secret to tell him......
