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Giving Kittys a Bath the easy way.

Mew Kittys Lets teach are Humans how to give us a bath without scaring us to death.No were not learning how to take a bath in the towlet.mewmew.

#1. Get human to fix you up with 3 ,five gallon buckets. #2. Have Human warm up the bathroom.Brush us kittys before bathing and clean our ears with a Q-tip fury gentle just the outer ear parts dont stick us deep in ear, we could really get hurt.
#3. Fill first bucket with warm water and Shampoo.enough shampoo to give us a good lather.
#4.Fill 2 remaining buckets with warm water.Make sure you sit the buckets in the tub.So water will not get on floor.
#5. Ok Bathrooms warm. Buckets are full.Now we need Towels and also sponges, washcloths.We dont wont to have to go get any of these things while Kitty is soaking in water, because we will jump out and make a very big mess.mewmew.
#6.We are know ready furr are Human to give us a bath,If they can find us.Gather up Kitty.
#7.Pick Kitty up and talk to kitty and tell him it will be ok. Put Kitty in bucket with soapy water. Make sure you keep his front paws on rim of bucket.This will make kittys feel safer.Put your left hand on kittys shoulders and hold firm enough kitty cannot jump out.
#8.Wash kitty with the soapy water,Try your best not to get water in kittys ears,they do not like it. and you could do them harm.Use washcloth on face and ears.
#9.When done shampooing,pick kitty up and put him in 2nd bucket. This is the first rince.Rince kitty and remember keep them front paws up on rim of bucket..

#10. Ok Kittys may need a 2nd rince this is what we have 3rd bucket furr.This will make sure all soap is off our furr.We will sparkle after are bath, and smell good too.
#11. Now gently towel dry, You may blow dry us if you wish but we dont like it.
Mew Mew We hope you enjoyed are way of giving kittys a bath,This is how our meomie "Judy gives all us LuvKittys a Bath.MewMew,Thankmew furr comming.
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