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Binary Girl
Cal State Fullerton
New York Times
Tech TV
Free BSD

Hello all I am sure that most of you saw my last site, it was dark and simple and boring and looked like a kindergardner did it. In other words i was not happy with it. This site I plan on creating it it be simple but have a better representation for me and also make it easier to manage and keep up. It will try to become a great site in that it will provide links to resources and other such aids. I was caught in tha bad crowd of the underground and I forgot who I really was and why I got into technology, so this is hopefully a new start to the real me and a leap ahead for a breakthrough in learning. Education is something that is so precious and can be the most powerful tool and those who are educated can go much farther than those who live on image and self-worth. Therefore check back often to see improvements and other really cool things. Send me feed back if you like as well.