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"Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it."
George Santayana (1863-1952) - American philosopher and poet

"The world is too dangerous to live in – not because of the people who do evil,
but because of the people who sit and let it happen."

Albert Einstein (1879 - 1955) - American (German-born) physicist


due Feb. 9, 2006)


(2) Photos
(3) See links at bottom
(4) Holocaust Glossary
(5) United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
(6) Holocaust Literature and Links
(7) Victims of the Holocaust
(8) Survivors of the Holocaust
(9) Rescuers of the Holocaust
(10) Teacher's Resource on NIGHT
(11) Teacher's Guide-HOLOCAUST
(12) Holocaust Glossary
(13) Holocaust essay
(14) (Background for Night)
(15) Bookwolf-NIGHT
(16) Night-QUIZ

(17) Eli Wiesel Interview***


Define: genocide -- holocaust -- Kapo -- Führe Kristallnach -- Einsatzgruppen

1) What is the origin of the word Holocaust?

2) What was happened during the Jewish Holocaust?

3) Where and when did it happen?

4) Who were the other victims besides the Jews?

5) What was the Euthanasia Program they used in the camps?

6) What was Einsatzgruppen ?

7)Name 3 death camps and describe how the
victims of the camp were treated.

(About Elie Wiesel)
(Short Summary of NIGHT)
8) What is the novel NIGHT about?

9) What is Elie Weisel's message in writing this novel?

10) How can we benefit by reading NIGHT or studying the Holocaust?


(1) What is propaganda?
(2) What are some poplular propaganda techniques used by the media?
(3)What were some propaganda techniques (scapegoating & stereotyping mechanisms)
used by the Nazi/Third Reich to condone and even encourage behavior
that most German citizens would have considered abhorrent?

Nazi Propaganda
Propaganda Techniques

(D)Propaganda Technique PROJECT

Please define the following words as you read the novel: 
Talmud ~ cabbala ~ Nietzsche ~ Rosh Hashanah ~ lamentation ~ charnel houses
Sighet ~ ghetto ~ phylacteries ~ concentration camp ~ colic ~ Hasidic melodies
meister ~ numerology ~ Zionist youth organization ~ Buna ~ Aryan ~ Buchenwald 
Auschwitz ~ pipel ~ Lagerkapo ~Yom Kipper ~ SS ~ Calvary ~ selection

Briefly identify the following characters: 
Moshe the Beadle     Maimonides    Elie's siblings   Parents
gypsies    Madame Schächter   the Germans   Akiba Drumer
French girl   Idek   Dr. Mengele   Meir Katz  Eliezer

(B)Power Point Project

Using Microsoft Power Point, create a 10-slide presentation on EUTHANASIA


To investigate the controversy of Euthanasia by
exploring both sides of the debate.

Include pictures, graphs, and/or charts

1. Definition of Euthanasia
2. Reasons for Euthanasia
3. Reasons Against Euthansia
4. Dr Kevorkian Controversy
5. US states that legalize Euthanasia
6. US states that ban Euthanasia
7. Euthanasia program during the Holocaust
8. Organizations FOR Euthanasia
9. Organizations AGAINST Euthanasia
10. My Opinion on Euthansia (state your position)

Euthanasia-Both Sides
Euthanasia Links

Euthanasia & Eugenics
Euthanasia Debate
Euthanasia- (Jewish perspective)
The Right to Die
Euthanasia & Nazi Germany
Nazi Persecution of Disabled
Nazi Euthanasia
Angel of Death- Dr Mengele

Ms. Pantua -Evasco
