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August 20th, 2004
Be sure to check out Erik's new show Complete Savages starting Friday, September 24th 8:30/7:30c Also, there is now a release date up for the movie Smile... November 5th, 2004! Erik will also be in California Adventure September 11th or 12th..maybe both don't know yet..for ABC. More news on that will follow. Here is a little about Erik's new show:
Complete Savages
Meet the Savage brothers. They smell. They're slobs. And they love it that way. Executive producer and director Mel Gibson's real life experiences of raising a brood of boys provides the basis for a take-no-prisoners comedy.
Raised by their single dad, the Savage boys have had a succession of housekeepers — over 20 at last count — to pick up after them. Well today that comes to an end. Dad Nick wants his boys to learn the skills women don't seem to take so much joy in anymore — you know: cooking, cleaning, laundry. Somehow this dad is going to turn his loutish boys into independent men, the kind any girl could take home to her mother. This is going to be some battle because Nick, just like his sons, is still a boy at heart.
Producers Mike Scully and Julie Thacker Scully, writers for The Simpsons, add their own family experience into the mix for a funny, honest take on raising kids. It reminds us that each child comes with their own personalities and problems, and that none of them come with instructions.
Starring: Keith Carradine, Andrew Eiden, Shaun Sipos, Erik von Detten, Evan Ellingson, Jason Dolley, Vincent Ventresca,

November 24th, 2003
Hey! I am sorry I havent updated in a really long time! Not much new Erik news here. After School Special is said to still be in the works so we shall see soon!

April 12th, 2003
Erik will not be in the movie What a Girl Wants..there is a different movie called American Girl that he will be in..I'll keep you updated on that. Erik has new girlfriend. Her name is Tali Talmon. Pictures of her and Erik will be up soon!

April 1st, 2003
So did everyone see Erik on Celebrity Mole Hawaii? Dinotopia is off the air as it seems but it was such a good show :) Erik will now be in the movie What a Girl Wants with Amanda Bynes. He dosn't play a lead role but still everyone should go see it!!! I haven't heard much about After School Special yet but as soon as I find out more information it will be posted!
Erik will be in a new show called *Dinotopia* starting May 12 on ABC..7pm est Be Sure to check it out!
Erik will be in a new movie called *After School Special* They are currently filming for it. Erik will play the lead!!
Brink! and The Princess Diaries are now available! So go out a get a copy now! :)