The Events of 10-22-02
As told by Kate, using pictures from Megan's webcam


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I was sitting at Megan's computer, evilly staring at the screen, When...

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I suddenly had a great idea..

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Mr. Crabs obviously agreed with my evil plan...d'ii mean.. great idea..

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I was obviously working hard on my idea, however..

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Mr. Crabs wasn't being too helpful..

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So, I bit him.

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Megan agreed that Mr. Crabs wasn't pulling his weight in this operation...

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So she bit him too...

Mr.Crabs was angry, so....

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He bit Megan back.

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I was not amused, we were getting no work done on this plan..

Then we all decided to take drugs:

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And get frunk:

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Note: We did not take drugs, nor did we get frunk. They're just funny pictures. Mr. Crabs sure was angry though, he was looking forward to a party. He took his anger out on Megan--- by biting her, again.

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